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Educational Sciences

Activate, Inspire & Motivate your Students. Enhance your Teaching Strategies (AIMS)​


05 July - 10 July 2020


Greek Cultural Instiitute










0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Activate, Inspire & Motivate your Students. Enhance your Teaching Strategies (AIMS)​


This 6-day course aims to enhance students’ active learning so that teachers can prepare their lessons more effectively using appropriate research and teaching approaches. In this context, the participants shall learn about and shall be trained on:
a. the steps and the basic tools of Action Research, a research method that teachers may use to collect, analyze and evaluate data about their students.
b. the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM), an innovative teaching approach which is realized by the asynchronous communication/cooperation between the teachers and their students as well as between the students themselves through a learning platform such as the Moodle.
c. the Educational Games and the Museum Education which are important ways of students’ activation if teachers incorporate them in the learning process.
d. how to plan their lessons using the Moodle platform as well as specific ICT tools and educational games.

Course leader

Thanos Fourgatsiotis

Target group

• Teachers of primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools and organizations
• Adult education teachers
• Teachers of special needs
• Teacher trainers
• Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors
• Headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organizations offering adult education or vocational education and organizations
• Non-governmental organization staff
• Public Servants, Policy Makers.

Course aim

Through this program, we aim to emphasize the necessity and to present the basic methods of tracing the trainees' educational needs. We also intend to enrich the participants' knowledge with the appropriate technics and way of the use of specific ICT tools to enhance active learning, with an emphasis on the fields of Game-Based Learning and Museum Education.
At the end of the course the participants will be able to:
• Αpply the basic steps and use the tools of Action Research to collect and to evaluate useful teaching and learning data.
• Describe and interpret the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) as an innovative teaching approach.
• Realize the meaning of collecting useful data about the students’ prior knowledge and needs to prepare their lessons more effectively and to enhance teamwork and active learning.
• Use the Moodle platform (e.g. how to communicate asynchronously with their students using the Moodle platform)
• Enhance active learning creating their own teaching scenarios using ICT tools.
• Understand the necessity of the integration of educational games in the learning process.
• Know the different types of educational games.
• Learn how to design their own educational games by using specific ICT tools.
• Approach museum education through educational games and ICT tools.
• Use specific methods and ICT tools to help students with special educational needs to absorb new knowledge.
• Communicate with colleagues from other countries to exchange approaches concerning the learning process, perceive Greek culture in order to experience the common cultural heritage of European culture and strengthen the status of European citizenship.
• Experience the common cultural heritage of European culture.
• Strengthen the status of European citizenship.



05 July - 10 July 2020


Greek Cultural Instiitute






0.0 EC

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