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Business & Entrepreneurship

Advanced Cellular Therapies


06 July - 10 July 2015


PACT Summer School


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU






2.0 EC


250 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Advanced Cellular Therapies


The School's course program is designed for PhD and doctoral students with the objective to address selected topics of actual research themes with their potential therapeutic applications (in a bench to bedside approach). It will be conducted in the form of lectures, workshops and practical sessions.

Supervision of the rather small class of 15 students is changed each day, the topics of the day are determined and elaborated by the lecturer or a team of lecturers. The daily time schedule includes ex-cathedra teaching supplemented by group discussions and/or hands-on practical courses.


- Skin models as an alternative to animal testing
- Multipotent stem cells: from bench to bedside
- Veterinary regenerative medicine - from animal models to animal patients
- Pluripotent stem cells: generation, characterization and clinical applications
- Stem cells and stem cell transplantation in the clinical setting

For further details and application see:

Course leader

Heike Walles - University of Würzburg, Dirk Strunk & Cornelia Schuh - Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Florien Jenner & Iris Ribitsch - University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Regina Grillari, Markus Schosserer & Michael Fischer - Danube Univer

Target group

Participants are required to be PhD/doctoral researchers in the faculties of medicine, veterinary medicine or life sciences (proof or a certificate of registration for the current semester must be provided!)

Course aim

After passing the course the students are familiar with different terms of tissue engineering, stem cell differentiation or cellular engineering. They will know about application of cellular therapies, characterization, manipulation and cultivation of primary, diploid and stem cells. They are able to transfer methods from cell biology laboratory to techniques used in cellular therapy but also know about the risk of genetic instability through in vitro manipulation.

Fee info


250 EUR, The fee includes tuition, a "get-together" on Monday evening (6 July 2015) and a "happy hour cocktail" on Friday afternoon (10 July 2015). Accommodation and meals must be organized individually.



06 July - 10 July 2015


PACT Summer School


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU


2.0 EC

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