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Social Sciences

Advanced Multilevel Analysis


15 July - 17 July 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University








1.0 EC


600 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Advanced Multilevel Analysis
Top course


This three day course will teach you advanced topics in multilevel modelling. The three-day course builds upon the contents of the other summer school course “Introduction to multilevel analysis”. It consists of three days with lectures in the morning and computer labs in the afternoon. After taking this course, you should be able to analyse more complex multilevel models and to interpret and report the results.

The focus of the first day is on categorical outcome data, in particular binary, ordinal and event history outcomes. It will be shown why linear multilevel models are not appropriate for such data and how multilevel generalised linear models can be used to fit this type of outcome data. Attention will be paid to estimation procedures that are available and how the intraclass correlation coefficients and proportions explained variance are calculated. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the estimated regression weights in terms of the logits and odds ratios. Analyses will be done in HLM and Mplus.

The focus of the second day is on multilevel factor analysis and multilevel structural equation modelling. The interest of such models is generally on theoretical constructs, which are presented by latent factors. It will be shown how to specify factor models at the between- and within-level and how to use fit indices to evaluate model fit. Path models consist of complex paths between latent and/or observed variables, possibly including direct and indirect effects. With multilevel path models, we often have the complication that there are different variables at the individual and group level. Mplus will be used to specify and fit such models.

The focus of day three is on random cross-classifications and statistical power analysis. An example of a random cross-classification is pupils nested within schools and neighborhoods. In this example a random effect should be included for schools and another one for neighborhoods, and the two may even covary. Such models can be fitted in HLM and special attention to the interpretation of results will be given. The aim of an a priori statistical power analysis is a calculation of sample size such that an effect can be detected with a sufficient probability. With a two-level model there are two sample sizes: the number of groups and the group size. For some simple experimental designs these sample sizes can be calculated on the basis of mathematical formulae and a demonstration of software will be given. For more complex designs, a simulation study has to be conducted to calculate sample size. It will be shown how to design such a simulation study and how to execute it in Mplus.

It is expected participants have taken the course Introduction to Multilevel Analysis or a similar course with the same content (i.e. chapters 1-5 from Hox, Moerbeek and Van de Schoot (2018)). Participants are also expected to have experience with analysing multilevel data in common software such as Mplus, SPSS, R, HLM, or MLwiN. Participants are requested to bring their own laptop computer. Software will be available online.

The book is not included in fee (about 45 euros): Hox, J., Moerbeek, M., & Van de Schoot, R. (2018). Multilevel analysis. Techniques and Applications. 3rd edition. New York: Routledge.

Please note that there is always the possibility that we have to change the course pending COVID19-related developments. The exact details, including a day-to-day program, will be communicated 6 weeks prior to the start of the course.

Course leader

Dr. David Hessen

Target group

Students with a BSc in Social and Behavioural Sciences who have only an introductory knowledge of statistics. Students should be familiar with the following concepts: null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, population, sample, statistical significance, practical and theoretical significance, correlation, regression, t-test and ANOVA. Some experience with SPSS is advisable. A maximum of 75 participants will be allowed to participate in this course.

Course aim

This course offers hands-on experience using SPSS for the most frequently encountered multivariate statistical techniques in the social and behavioural sciences.

Fee info


600 EUR, Course + course materials


250 EUR, Housing fee (optional)



15 July - 17 July 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University




1.0 EC

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