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Social Sciences

Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences


26 August - 30 August 2024


Summer School in Social Sciences Methods


Università della Svizzera italiana








3.0 EC


500 CHF

Please note: this course has already ended
Advanced Skills for Research Data Management and Open Science in Social Sciences


Course contents and objectives

The evolving landscape of research, publishing, and career trajectories presents both new opportunities and fresh challenges for those engaged in the social sciences. Increased emphasis on transparency, collaboration, and data-driven insights is redefining how we conduct, communicate, and measure the impact of scholarly work. As such, developing a robust understanding of Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science (OS) practices has become a critical skillset for early-career researchers. Navigating these shifting demands is key not only for completion of doctoral thesis and publishing success but also for enhancing research productivity and seizing broader career opportunities.

Research Data Management and Open Science Training at the Summer School for Social Sciences Methods

This intensive, comprehensive summer school course focused on research data management and open research data practices is specifically tailored for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences. Designed to follow the research data cycle, the program seamlessly blends academic theory with hands-on activities. We use a dynamic data management plan as the central project, allowing you to apply the learnings to your ongoing research directly.

By bringing your own research data (or research ideas) to the program, you can actively engage in the learning process, ensuring all concepts and techniques have immediate relevance to your specific project and research field.

This immersive experience goes beyond just technical skills. We delve into the ethical considerations, values, and professional attitudes associated with the application of responsible RDM and OS principles and practices, equipping you for a successful career path whether within academia or beyond.

Course leader

Dr. Agata A. Lambrechts USI; Dr Alexandra Stam FORS; Carmen Borrat-Besson FORS; Emilie Morgan de Paula FORS; Dr. Igor Sarman, USI; Mario Gay USI; Meret Hildebrandt FORS; Dr. Pablo A. Diaz-Venegas University of Lausanne

Target group

Doctoral and Early Career Researchers, Research Professionals

Course aim

The program's focus on fostering research efficiency and improving your research workflow translates into tangible benefits. You will gain the necessary tools and strategies to effectively manage your research data, expedite the publication process, and enhance collaboration opportunities. Ultimately, by understanding how RDM and OS principles contribute to research transparency, reproducibility, and impact, you can strategically utilise these practices to advance your research career and contribute meaningfully to the wider academic community.

Fee info


500 CHF, one fee for all participants



26 August - 30 August 2024


Summer School in Social Sciences Methods


Università della Svizzera italiana




3.0 EC

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