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Political Science

Advanced Summer Programme: Preventing, Detecting and Responding to the Violent Extremist Threat


20 August - 24 August 2018


Leiden University Summer School


Leiden University


The Hague






0.0 EC


1695 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Advanced Summer Programme: Preventing, Detecting and Responding to the Violent Extremist Threat


This advanced summer programme focuses on the field of preventing violent extremism and gives you insights into the opportunities and challenges of a networked approach.

The latest dilemmas and trends in the field of preventing violent extremism, various views on radicalisation, de-radicalisation and re-socialisation, geopolitical developments and how they influence public debate, the opportunities and challenges of a networked approach, the various roles and, perspectives of stakeholders active in the field, are all covered in this programme through lectures, workshops, serious games, panel discussions and much more.

Preventing violent extremism is a ‘wicked problem’ – a dynamic tangle of complex issues, a wide range of stakeholders and no clean-cut, obvious solutions. Tackling this problem requires a networked approach where all actors work together in a joint and coordinated effort. From security services, policymakers, lawyers, and academics to youth workers, teachers, parents and other actors, all stakeholders have their own role to play. Each stakeholder, in turn, works from the premise of their own specific perspectives, authorities, interests, and limitations. In order to ensure effective prevention measures, strengthen public resilience and increase on-time signaling and addressing of radicalisation, it is vital to understand the position and role of network partners.

This advanced summer programme, organised by the Centre for Professional Learning of Leiden University and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), provides insights into the opportunities and challenges of a networked approach to prevention. In an intensive five-day course, participants will meet academics, experts, and practitioners and discuss the latest dilemmas and trends in the field of preventing violent extremism and how these dilemmas influence the public debate. Furthermore, participants will work on cases to distinguish the various roles and limitations of different stakeholders and how these relate to each other in their joint efforts to prevent violent extremism.

Course leader

For questions, please contact the programme manager Hans Dekker: E: T: +31 70 800 9549 M: +31 6 4675 5768

Target group

This advanced summer programme on Preventing, Detecting and Responding to the Violent Extremist Threat is meant for international as well as Dutch professionals that already work in the field of preventing violent extremism or are just interested in expanding their knowledge about the subject. For example:

• Practitioners in the field of preventing radicalisation and violent extremism;
• Policy maker (international, national and regional);
• Members of Parliament;
• Diplomats;
• Journalists;
• (Academic) researchers;
• Professionals aiming to expand their understanding of the challenges of preventing violent extremism.

Course aim

After completion of the summer programme, participants will have:
• Insights in the latest dilemmas and trends in the field of preventing violent extremism;
• Insights in the opportunities and challenges of a networked approach and the (im)possibilities of multidisciplinary cooperation and information sharing;
• Proper understanding of the various organisations and stakeholders active in the field of preventing radicalisation and violent extremism and their various roles, perspectives, authorities, interests and limitations;
• Reflected on one’s own role and position in the field of preventing radicalisation and violent extremism;
• Expanded one’s network of international experts in the field of preventing violent extremism.

Fee info


1695 EUR, The fee includes lectures, study materials, study visit(s), refreshments, lunches and closing dinner. The fee does not cover (international) travel costs, travel to and from airports, (hotel) accommodation, insurance or other expenses.



20 August - 24 August 2018


Leiden University Summer School


Leiden University




0.0 EC

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