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Advanced Techniques for the Analysis of Novel Materials Strategic for Sustainability Transitions: II. Biopolymers


10 February - 14 February 2025


University of Pisa Summer School


University of Pisa








3 EC


500 EUR

Advanced Techniques for the Analysis of Novel Materials Strategic for Sustainability Transitions: II. Biopolymers
Top course
Advanced Techniques for the Analysis of Novel Materials Strategic for Sustainability Transitions: II. Biopolymers


The Winter School offers a one-week full-time multidisciplinary program at the Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry Department (DCCI) of the University of Pisa. It is devoted to training students with a technical-scientific background on the advances of analysing materials of interest in environmental and green chemistry. Note that, even if the focus of this year is biopolymers, the knowledge acquired during the school may be applied to several other materials. The focus will be mainly on PhDs, but master’s degrees and post-docs are also welcome.

The student will have access to cutting-edge instrumentation present at DCCI, most of which is part of the CISUP, the Center for Instrument Sharing of the University of Pisa. These will be:

- analytical pyrolysis – gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) with micro UVirradiator systemmicro UVirradiator system,
- Bruker Avance NEO 500 Solid State NMR Spectrometer,
- Thermogravimetric Analyzer-Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometer TGA-GC/MS – TGA8000-Claurus 690 GC/Claurus SQ 8T MS + Thermogravimetric Analyzer/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy TGA/FTIR - Q5000 IR (TA Instruments)/Cary 640 (Agilent Technologies).

The lessons will contain both a theoretical introduction (with a focus on applications) and laboratory practice. The curriculum also contains explanations on how to critically analyse the data.

This program will provide the interested student with detailed information on the advanced instrumentation encountered and an overview of the potentialities of different approaches to characterise a material. The new skills will be precious for the educational background of the student, who will primarily be a Chemistry student but may also be of Chemical Engineering and other technical-scientific areas.

The Winter School will be held on campus in Pisa, at Dipartimemto di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Via G. Moruzzi,13.

Course leader

Prof. Ilaria Degano - Prof. Tarita Biver

Target group

Firstly PhD students but master's degree students and post-docs are also welcome.

Course aim

This program aims to offer access to different advanced instrumentation and to help the student understand the potentialities of this peculiar equipment and of a multi-technique approach to characterise a material of interest.

It will enhance the ability to face challenges concerning the characterisation of materials. This skill is crucial in the frame of the main pillars of nowadays research, so often connected with new materials for the environment and green chemistry.

Fee info


500 EUR, Tuition fee



10 February - 14 February 2025


University of Pisa Summer School


University of Pisa




3 EC

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