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Life Sciences

Ageing and Ageing Associated Diseases


29 August - 01 September 2022


Cologne Ageing Summer School


University of Cologne








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Ageing and Ageing Associated Diseases


Online Summer School Programme
Ageing and Ageing Associated Diseases

The summer school will take place from August 29 – September 1, 2022 as online event.

1. Key Lectures

Selected ageing related topics will be presented by our internationally renowned faculty!
• Introduction to Ageing Research by Prof. Adam Antebi
• Metabolic rewiring in a long-lived mammal, the naked mole-rat by Dr. Jane Reznick
• Cell death in cancer and ageing by Prof. Dr. Silvia von Karstedt
• Programming of mitochondria in ageing and disease by Prof. Dr. Thomas Langer
• The ageing brain and its impact on neurodegenerative diseases by Dr. Christina Ising
• Metabolic control of T cell immunity by Dr. Mauro Corrado

2. Effective Presentation Workshop

In this half-day online workshop offered by Dr. Philipp Gramlich from NaturalScience.Careers, we will get a broad idea of what makes an effective presentation. You´ll be introduced to these topics:

• Storylines: what´s the logical backbone of your presentation and how can you make it relevant for your audience?
• How to be memorable and leave a lasting impression
• Slide design: No one likes overloaded slides, but how can we do it better without losing content?
• Presenting online: How to address the setting that you´re not in the same room as your audience

3. Journal Club

The Journal Club on “The Hallmarks of Ageing” chaperoned by Dr. Dusanka Milenkovic will give you a better understanding about crucial biological processes and mechanisms underlying ageing. In small groups you will work on a presentation of one ageing hallmark. Later you present your results and discuss them with the whole group and your chaperone. This way, you immediately get the chance to apply the skills learnt in the effective presentation workshops during the Journal Club.

4. Tour through our Institutes

Ever asked yourself how our institutes and facilities look like and what equipment is needed to pursue top-notch research on the highest level? We invite you to joins us for a virtual tour through the CECAD research center and the MPI for Biology of Ageing to give you an insight about where our scientist work and what services and facilities we offer.

5. Networking & Social Activities

If you are curious on what our current Master fellows and graduate students think about your opportunities to study ageing in Cologne, you can meet and chat with them during our F&Q student session!

Course leader

Selected ageing related topics will be presented by our internationally renowned faculty: • Prof. Dr. Adam Antebi • Dr. Jane Reznick • Prof. Dr. Silvia von Karstedt • Prof. Dr. Thomas Langer • Dr. Christina Ising • Dr. Mauro Corrado

Target group

If you are enrolled in a discipline of Life Sciences, such as e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics or Bioinformatics and are an undergraduate B.Sc. or early M.Sc. student (1rst year), you are eligible to apply.

For your application, please send 1 PDF including your CV, the transcripts of your BSc/MSc studies and a 1 - 2 page(s) motivation letter to cga-coordination[at]

Deadline of application is June 24, 2022.

Up to 20 participants will be selected!

Selection criteria are your academic track record (CV & grades) and your motivation to study and work in the areas of ageing research.

Course aim

The summer school aims to give highly motivated BSc and early MSc students the opportunity to learn more about the areas of Ageing and Ageing Associated Diseases for potential future Master studies or PhD project.



29 August - 01 September 2022


Cologne Ageing Summer School


University of Cologne




0.0 EC

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