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Business & Entrepreneurship

Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise


01 June - 22 March 2015


Lapland University of Applied Sciences Summer School


Lapland University of Applied Sciences






0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise


Lapland University of Applied Sciences in Tornio is organizing a “Summer School on Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise.”
Through the co-operation with our partner universities throughout the world and the Fulbright Speaker Program, we can now provide interesting opportunities for lecturers and students at the summer school on themes of importance to the Arctic area.
Both lecturers and students will have the opportunity to gain expertise in Artic cooperation as well as lecturing and learning in an international environment, while experiencing the mid-night sun and the natural beauty Tornio has to offer.

Practical considerations:
Timing of the Summer School: May 25, 2015–August 28, 2015 (30 ects study credits). Exact dates to be confirmed.
Length of lecturer programmes: One lecturer would need to sign up to complete a minimum of 1-2 weeks of lecturing in May, June or August.

Number of lecturers: The summer school can offer lecturing opportunities to 4-8 lecturers and a study opportunity for 40 students

Format: Summer school programs generally include pre-course assignments, 2-3h of intensive lessons in the morning, a break, and workshops in the afternoon. Students should have 27h of studies per week, but it does not have to be face-to-face contact time with the teacher. The school is also well equipped to guide interested lecturers on how to give part of their lectures using various distance education tools and virtual learning environments. In July most of the work is done individually which provides the students the opportunity to travel and experience Lapland and Finland at large, while completing their studies.

Topics: The Summer School on Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise would take place at the School of Business and Culture. There are three core modules within which the invited lecturers could accommodate their own lecture subjects depending on their expertise and interests:

1. Cross-cultural Management, 10ECTS (June 2015)
Michael Brown (USA) – Arctic as a Business Area (3ECTS)
Teresa Chen (India) – Management across Cultures (4ECTS)
Alexander Seryakov (Russia) - Corporate Social Responsibility for Managers (3ECTS)
2. Digitalization and ICT-services 10ECTS (June, independent work in July 2015)
Molly Schwartz (USA) - Introduction to IT and Governance in the Digital Age (3ECTS)
Alf Netek (Austria)– Digitalisation of Services in Global Contexts (3ECTS)
Anthony Okuogume (Nigeria) - IT-adoption Process and its Business Implications (4ECTS)
3. International Marketing 10ECTS (August 2015)
Marc Clerk (Belgium) – Value Innovation as International Marketing Tool (5ECTS)
Mika Saloheimo (Finland) – International Marketing Process (5ECTS)

In addition to the Arctic cooperation and cross-border expertise, the themes that are closely aligned to the strategic priorities of Lapland University of Applied Sciences are:
-Managing distances (e.g. skills and tools to support virtual learning environments, distance education)
-Service business and entrepreneurship (e.g. as workshop subjects)
-Smart use of natural (and scarce) resources (e.g. project work and excursions)
-Safety and security (applied in all practices)

Accommodation: Lapland University of Applied Sciences would arrange accommodation for the lecturers and students. The costs are to be covered by the participants themselves.
Transportation: Lapland University of Applied Sciences would cover transportation to Tornio and back from the railway station/airport.

Perks: Organized free-time activities in Lapland. Details to be confirmed.

-Opportunity to be part of launching the first ever “Summer School on Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise” organized in collaboration with the partner universities, the Fulbright Center and the Tornio campus of Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
-Opportunity to gain expertise in Arctic cooperation as well as lecturing in an international environment.
-Organized free-time activities in the scenic surroundings of the Tornio campus.
-Opportunity to experience the natural beauty, fresh air and midnight sun in Lapland.

Selection process of students:
Submit your application for the summer campus by March 31, 2015 to your home university with the name “Summer School on Arctic Cooperation and Cross-Border Expertise.” Please include your motivation letter in case the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats. Students’ selection will be based on their motivation and academic performance at their home institution



01 June - 22 March 2015


Lapland University of Applied Sciences Summer School


Lapland University of Applied Sciences


0.0 EC

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