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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Introduction


13 July - 02 August 2025


University of Warwick Summer School


University of Warwick




United Kingdom




10.0 EC


2460 GBP

Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Introduction


Artificial intelligence is set to revolutionise the way that we work, live and interact.
In December 2017, Carnegie Mellon poker playing computer Libratus stunned the world by winning 1.7M in a 20-day tournament against four poker stars. This was the latest in a series of big wins for AI including DeepBlue beating Gary Kasparov at chess in 1997 and AlphaGo beating Lee Sedol at Go in 2016.

In a nutshell, the challenge for AI agents is to make decisions in an uncertain environment, exploring the potential consequences of their own choices using complex estimates of the world around.

This course is a study of the basic building blocks of decision-making agents, which are abstract entities living in an uncertain environment and are guided towards the realisation of given objectives. On top of this, the environment is usually inhabited by other agents, which may or may not strive to achieve similar objectives. The task is to take the best possible decision that can be taken given the (incomplete) information available.

These simple models are the basis of a number of important achievements in AI, and combine the use of logical, game-theoretic and algorithmic analysis.

Course leader

Dr Paolo Turrini, Charlie Pilgrim

Target group

There are no prerequisites to this course, however students should keep in mind that it is ultimately a technical course, where mathematical and programming knowledge will be provided. This course is open to students studying any discipline at University level. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, including students who are currently studying another subject but who want to broaden their knowledge in another discipline.

Students must be aged 18 or over by the time the Summer School commences and have a good understanding of the English language.

Course aim

The course will be an investigation of the most important developments of AI in multi-agent contexts, touching upon themes such as opponent modelling, games with imperfect information, resource allocation, collective decision-making and electronic commerce applications.

Fee info


2460 GBP, Student Rate (for any students in full-time education at any University or College worldwide)


3300 GBP, Standard Rate



13 July - 02 August 2025


University of Warwick Summer School


University of Warwick




10.0 EC

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