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Life Sciences

Biodiversity Synthesis and Integration


19 June - 25 June 2016


iDiv Summer School


German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig








3.0 EC


150 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Biodiversity Synthesis and Integration


The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig invites graduate students to its second summer school with the theme “Biodiversity Synthesis and Integration” from 19 to 25 June 2016 taking place in Leipzig, Germany.

Synthesis of existing information in order to generalize findings or detect new patterns has been important in biological sciences for a long time. However, with the recent rise of IT, new type of synthesis is rising, using previously unknown types and quantities of data and applying novel computational tools to answer fundamental questions of biodiversity sciences. An important aspect of biodiversity synthesis is to understand, map and predict the distribution and shifts of mechanisms that drive biodiversity dynamics and consequences in response to such topics as climate change and land use change on a large scale.

The event is built around the aims of learning more about biodiversity research, exploring relevant research projects in small groups, and building up the scientific knowledge by publishing the results. The programme will thus consist of plenary lectures, discussions with iDiv members, an excursion, and plenty of time for group work projects around the theme of biodiversity synthesis and integration. By mingling 20 promising young researchers with experienced and inspiring researchers, the summer school offers an outstanding opportunity to progress together in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere.

The application deadline for the course is Sunday, 3 April 2016.

Course leader

The lead teacher of the summer school is Stan Harpole, iDiv Professor and head of the research group in Physiological Diversity.

Target group

The summer school is aimed mainly at PhD students working on biodiversity topics, but applications from advanced master’s level students will be considered. A limited number of travel grants are also available (see section “application”).

Course aim

The event is built around the aims of learning more about biodiversity research, exploring relevant research projects in small groups, and building up the scientific knowledge by publishing the results. By mingling 20 promising young researchers with experienced and inspiring researchers, the summer school offers an outstanding opportunity to progress together in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere.

Fee info


150 EUR, This covers the costs of teaching and materials, coffee breaks, lunch, the excursion and the cultural programme. Each applicant is expected to cover the costs of their travel, accommodation and evening meals (except when costs are covered as part of the summer school programme).



19 June - 25 June 2016


iDiv Summer School


German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig




3.0 EC

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