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Environmental Studies



16 August - 27 August 2021


ELLS Summer School on Bioeconomy


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna








6.0 EC


250 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended


How can we transform from a fossil-based to a bio-based economy ? What challenges are we facing ? Which technologies, methods or concepts could help in the process ? What are our successes so far?

Join our summer school and find answers!

These are all urging questions. The Summer School on Bioeconomy offers students the opportunity to work on these questions, and find answers. Within the course a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary aspects on bioeconomy will be discussed. The participants will gain knowledge during lectures and excursions about renewable biological resources and their use in the making of food, materials and energy. Topics will include the production of and also problems of agricultural and forest materials, biomass, circular food production, an introduction to sustainability analysis of biobased chains, food technology as well as ethical and socio-economic aspects of bioeconomy.

The program provides a discussion platform for our international ELLS presenters, scholars and students to discuss the topics and interact with each other. In addition, several excursions will take place in order to deepen the newly acquired knowledge of the lectures. The excursions include visits to BOKU research centers as well as a number of viennese business examples giving an insight on how bioeconomy can look like.

This summer school is a joint teaching program of the ELLS Subject Area Bioeconomy, initiated to promote the transformation towards a bio-based circular economy.

Course leader

Univ.Prof Dr. Hans-Peter Kaul

Target group

Preferably Master or PhD students.
Other students are also welcome to apply.

Course aim

After successful completion of the course, participants will have gained knowledge in a wide selection of relevant topics regarding the complete life-cycle of biobased products, but also economic and ethical aspects on bioeconomy. Based on the newly acquired knowledge, participants should be able now to critically think and discuss bioeconomic issues. Furthermore, students will gain insight through several excursions to how practical solutions in order to create a more bio-based economy can look like.

Fee info


250 EUR, Students from ELLS member and partner universities Costs are covering public transportation, excursions and some of the food/drinks. Students are required to cover their own costs for traveling to Vienna as well as for accommodation, food, private and touristic excursions, insurance, visa and personal needs.


350 EUR, Students from non-ELLS universities Costs are covering public transportation, excursions and some of the food/drinks. Students are required to cover their own costs for traveling to Vienna as well as for accommodation, food, private and touristic excursions, insurance, visa and personal needs.



16 August - 27 August 2021


ELLS Summer School on Bioeconomy


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna




6.0 EC

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