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Business & Entrepreneurship

Business Applications of Machine Learning


14 August - 19 August 2019


Central European Conference


CORVINUS University of Budapest








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Business Applications of Machine Learning


The terms Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) became buzzwords in the past 10 years but only a few have solid grasp of the concepts behind it. In several news and articles, they are mistakenly used interchangeably however they have different meaning and assumes different knowledge for the users to deeply understand their methods. ML techniques were originally used in different fields of academia but quickly became a powerful tool for companies to improve business, provide for better customer experience and generate operational efficiencies. This section is designed to introduce participants to basic ML techniques and provide them with useful insights into how companies capitalize on them.

Why should you participate?
In a nutshell: you’ll have a very exciting vacation in Budapest, where you’ll get to explore the city while uncovering the future of Business with excellent presenters and fellow students.

Who and how can participate? For our requirements, visit our website.

Course leader

Teachers: András Kárpáti, Senior Data Scientist at Lynx Analytics Endre Borza, Data Scientist at Lidlű Mór Kapronczay, Data Scientist at Starschema Ltd.

Target group

We are waiting for the application of BA or MA students, studying in the fields of social sciences, business or economics from all European universities. We also have some places for those who graduated in the recent years.

Course aim

During the four day long intensive professional part of the conference you will study:

Day 1
Introduction to data driven strategy management
Model evaluation and Statistical inference
Business use case 1.

Day 2
Data Engineering – ETL at scale
Feature Engineering
Business use case 2.

Day 3
How much data should a firm store about its customers? How will the internet take marketing stats to a whole new level? How will strategies succeed in the age of Facebook , Google and AdBlockers?
Our marketing pros will make you fall in love with modern marketing, without the BS.

Day 4
Introduction to cluster analysis
Business Process Integration Project – from model to money
During this program the participants have to work in groups and manage a data science project.



14 August - 19 August 2019


Central European Conference


CORVINUS University of Budapest




0.0 EC

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