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Natural Sciences

CanSat: Hands-On Satellite Design


17 July - 11 August 2023


TU Berlin Summer and Winter School


TU Berlin








5.0 EC


2300 EUR


A CanSat is a small satellite in shape of a commercial beverage can that performs several measuring tasks. In this course, a CanSat is designed, built and tested in the field during a rocket launch. Therefore, all basics of topics related to exciting area of space technologies is imparted and practical skills for the development of a CanSat are trained. The theoretical units are supplemented by practical exercises. Parts of the CanSat are developed in intensely supervised small groups. During an excursion to a site in Berlin where space related companies and institutions are located, the participants shall gain insight into facilities used for the development of satellites.

Course leader

Manuel Ortega Varela de Seijas graduated in Aerospace engineering from TU Delft and in Space engineering from TU Berlin. Cem Avsar graduated in Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin in 2010.

Target group

This course is designed for students with a general understanding of engineering who want to gain insight into the exciting topic of space technologies. With the practical approach applied, students experience working on a challenging project in an interdisciplinary team. This prepares them for a systems engineering career with a leading position in the engineering industry. With the basic knowledge in space technologies that is imparted in this course, students have a good starting point to prepare themselves for a continuing education in space engineering. It is recommended that students use their own laptops for the hands-on project.

Course aim

- Apply basic skills in mechanical design, electrical design and microcontroller programming in a hands-on project
- Describe the main elements of astronautics
- Describte the subsystems of a satellite
- Reason and solve problems analytically
- Manage working in an interdisciplinary team
- Apply defined steps in managing a group project
- Justify design choices from a technical and programmatic point of view
- Build and operate a system which behaves similar to a satellite
- Prepare for an experimental campaign
- Present project results properly in a review



17 July - 11 August 2023


TU Berlin Summer and Winter School


TU Berlin




5.0 EC


2300 EUR, for students


2760 EUR, for working professionals

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