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Chemical Biology


05 October - 09 October 2015


Universität Konstanz – Autumn School Chemical Biology


Universität Konstanz






0.0 EC


125 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Chemical Biology


The University of Konstanz, with its "Institutional Strategy to Promote Top-Level Research", has been receiving continuous funding since 2007 within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments.

Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology:

Research and Graduate Training at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology

The Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology is an interdisciplinary graduate programme jointly offered by the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Computer & Information Science, and is supported by the German Excellence Initiative.

The Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology invites applications to join the

Autumn School Chemical Biology

from highly motivated Ph.D. students with a keen interest in interdisciplinary research.

The programme comprises consecutive lecture courses (Combinatorial and High Throughput Technologies, Computational Life Science, Bioconjugation Chemistry) followed by an international conference on Chemical Biology. In the courses, experts in the respective fields will introduce fundamental methods and techniques. Subsequently, the participants join the "Konstanz Symposium Chemical Biology" with internationally renowned speakers. Poster sessions and social events will complete this event. Travel funds are available.

The programme and further information are outlined on the conference's homepage:

For further information please visit our homepage or contact: Dr. Heike Brandstädter, e-mail:, phone: +49(0)7531-88-2237.

Course leader

Scientific Organisation: Prof. Andreas Marx Course leaders: Prof. Michael Berthold, Prof. Kay Diederichs, Prof. Andreas Marx, Prof. Thomas Mayer, Prof. Valentin Wittmann + invited guest speakers

Target group

Ph.D. students with a keen interest in Chemical Biology.

Course aim

The overall aim of the Autumn School is to get together graduate students from all over the world working in the area of Chemical Biology, and to foster the exchange of their scientific work, thereby establishing personal contacts and scientific networking.

Fee info


125 EUR, The fee includes the participation in the scientific courses and the international conference as well as accommodation.



05 October - 09 October 2015


Universität Konstanz – Autumn School Chemical Biology


Universität Konstanz


0.0 EC

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