The Hague, Netherlands
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law
21 July - 25 July 2025
2.0 EC
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16 July - 20 July 2018
University of Bern Winter and Summer Schools
University of Bern
3.0 EC
1200 CHF
From the 2015 Paris Agreement under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), along with other international environmental, economic and human rights legal instruments, States and the broader international community are working to address the risk and reality of dangerous climate change. After nearly 17 years of deadlock, parties to the UNFCCC concluded the Paris Agreement and are now working to develop a rulebook for its implementation.
This course explores the Paris Agreement and its international regime, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of climate law and policy reform for sustainable development. It provides an analysis of the main relevant legal instruments and their implementation, an overview of the most important principles and policy discussions on different levels, as well as a participatory climate negotiations exercise. Upon successful completion, participants will be familiar with current international law and policy aspects of the Paris Agreement, the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, be equipped to analyse critical dimensions of climate law and policy, and be cognizant of the key legal and institutional reforms being undertaken to implement national and international climate change commitments and achieve SDG 13 on climate action. They will be in a position to make informed decisions regarding their future academic and professional roles in helping the world to tackle climate change.
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Montreal and Markus Gehring, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London
We accept individuals who have completed an undergraduate degree in law, economics or political science, or in an unrelated field supplemented by relevant working experience. Participants are expected to have a strong command of English and should be ready to read a large amount of material in English both prior to and during the Summer Academy.
The WTI Summer Academy covers cutting-edge issues in investment and trade law and policy. It is designed for private and public sector and civil society professionals as well as higher-education students. In lectures, discussions and case studies, renowned experts will teach you how to blend the policy aspects of trade and investment with thorough legal interpretation and economic analysis. Becoming a part of the WTI community, you will establish valuable contacts with fellow-minded professionals and lecturers.
1200 CHF, Tuition for one week is 1,200 Swiss francs and for three weeks it is 3,200 Swiss francs.
16 July - 20 July 2018
University of Bern Winter and Summer Schools
University of Bern
3.0 EC
The Hague, Netherlands
21 July - 25 July 2025
2.0 EC
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The Hague, Netherlands
30 June - 04 July 2025
0.0 EC
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Antwerp, Belgium
03 February - 07 February 2025
3 EC
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