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Business & Entrepreneurship

Corporate Strategy


24 June - 11 July 2024


CBS Summer University


Copenhagen Business School








7.5 EC


6000 DKK

This course takes a pragmatic approach towards the application of strategy in the corporate management context. The strategy topics of the course deal with the management of different businesses and product-market activities within the umbrella of the larger, typically multinational, enterprise. Hence, the course focuses on the effective management of business entities operating across different product-markets and thereby builds on the business strategy perspectives concerned with firm positioning in industry specific product-markets. Effective corporate strategy relates to business expansion. One of the fundamental challenges is to lead and structure the firm so that its different parts provide a genuine contribution to global, corporate performance. Upon completion of this course the students should be equipped to address essential corporate strategy issues and analyze complex enterprises. As a result, students will be able to assess strategic risks and opportunities for the firm itself but also for its stakeholders, such as employees or investors, both nationally and internationally.

Course leader

Diego Stea - Department of Strategy and Innovation

Target group

This is a graduate level course. CBS Summer University courses at Copenhagen Business School is open to all and welcomes domestic and international students as well as professionals.

Course aim

The goal of this course is to develop a better understanding of the link between theory and practice within the content of the course. In the exam, students must demonstrate this ability through an in-depth case analysis. Specifically, the learning objectives are demonstrated in the exam to the degree to which students can perform along the following dimensions: - The thoroughness of the understanding of the relevant strategy theory. - The ability to choose and apply relevant theories to solve the case problem(s), establish link to the relevant academic literature, integrate case data and information with analysis frameworks and theory. - The quality of the case analysis in terms of relevance of aspects and issues discussed. - The consistency as well as stringency in reasoning. - The ability to reflect critically on own conclusions and recommendations.



24 June - 11 July 2024


CBS Summer University


Copenhagen Business School




7.5 EC


6000 DKK, Tuition fee for Open University students (EU/EEA/Swiss citizenship)


15000 DKK, Tuition fee for non-European students.

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