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Business & Entrepreneurship

CREA Summer Academy Germany


23 July - 03 August 2018


Summer Schools 2017


HTWG Konstanz in cooperation with bwcon GmbH








0.0 EC


950 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
CREA Summer Academy Germany


Are you eager to take on the challenge of developing new business ideas for smart sustainable cities? Would you like to experience how new technologies are shaping the city of the future? Do you want to establish valuable contacts with companies and initiatives active in the field of Smart Cities?

Now is your chance to enroll in the German edition of the CREA summer academy to gain entrepreneurial skills and solid knowledge on how to develop a startup idea in the smart cities field. Within an intensive two weeks program, you will get to know a variety of the methodologies used by the startup community to develop new products and services, spanning from design thinking to business model generation. Following a lean startup approach, you will immediately apply what you learn to a concrete business case that you will develop with an inter-disciplinary team.

Furthermore, during the German CREA summer academy you will get in touch with various companies who are developing technologies for Smart Cities. With CREA being part of the “Smart City Acceleration Weeks” you will work on a concrete challenge around Smart Cities, which is designed by one of our partner companies. Amongst them are Freischwimmer Accelerator, the Institute for Enterprise Systems of the University of Mannheim, the Innovation Lab GmbH and the association for Urban Innovation, Stadt neu denken! e.V. You will have the chance to visit their facilities and discover how they work while co-creating with them the solution to your challenge and also expanding your network of contacts.

During the last day of the program, you will pitch your business idea in front of an expert jury. Thanks to our cooperation with the Freischwimmer Accelerator, the best team has the chance to be selected to win a 50.000 Euro worth Acceleration program in Ludwigshafen. As an additional highlight, the winners will also be invited to pitch in front of investors at dedicated events.

Course leader

CREA Germany is organized by the Innovation Academy of bwcon GmbH in cooperation with Freischwimmer Accelerator, the Institute for Enterprise Systems of the University of Mannheim, the Innovation Lab GmbH and the association for Urban Innovation, Stadt ne

Target group

CREA Summer Academy is open to students, researchers and young professionals from all over Europe.

Course aim

Equip young visionaries with entrepreneurial skills and familiarize them with methods commonly used by successful Start-Ups. Envision creative solutions for the Smart City of the future, work on real-life challenges and co-create with established companies in the field.

Fee info


950 EUR, Including Accomodation


600 EUR, Without Accomodation



23 July - 03 August 2018


Summer Schools 2017


HTWG Konstanz in cooperation with bwcon GmbH




0.0 EC

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