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Communication, Media and Journalism



26 August - 31 August 2018


Danube School


European Danube Academy








10.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended


Sustainability and protection of the environment, migration and the situation of minorities, nationalism and racism as well as populism and conspiracy theories are some of the current socio-political issues in Danube countries and worldwide. The #DanubeCampaigns project not only wants to address these issues but wants to provide young people of Danube countries the chance to jointly get active in these fields and make their voices being heard.

Course leader

DENK GLOBAL! offers education programmes the field of globalisation and sustainability. Founded in 2014, DENK GLOBAL! coordinates the German-wide peer education network teamGLOBAL and has initiated numerous national and international youth projects. The m

Target group

You are interested in socio-political issues such as nationalism/racism, populism/conspiracy, migration/minorities, ecology/sustainability and think that something needs to change in your country, in the Danube region, in the world? You want your voice being heard and your concerns being addressed? You want to join forces and launch a campaign together with young people from different Danube countries? Join our Campaigning Bootcamp in Budapest this August!

What to expect:

6 days workshop in Budapest
An international group of about 30 participants from Danube countries
No participation fee
Accommodation, half-board, travel allowance (up to 75 Euros)
Insights to successful campaigning and support by experts
The chance to launch your own campaign
Cultural programme in Budapest

What is expected from you:

you are 18-27 years old
you have a strong interest in the Danube region
you are motivated to participate at the whole workshop in Budapest to and create a campaign relating to socio-political issues in the Danube region together with other participants

Course aim

The aim of the #DanubeCampaigns Bootcamp is to empower young people from Danube countries to face the challenges of a globalised and increasingly complex world. The workshop provides a platform for youngsters to network with like-minded people and to enhance their skills and experience. Campaigning experts from different countries give insights to planning and implementing socio-political campaigns: how to get funds for your campaign? How the reach people and activate them? How to use the internet and social media make your campaign successful? Together with an international group of peers and professionals the participants get the chance to implement their own campaigns and to make them visible



26 August - 31 August 2018


Danube School


European Danube Academy




10.0 EC

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