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Social Sciences

Data Forum on Data Pooling: Opportunities and Challenges


10 October - 11 October 2019




KU Leuven








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Data Forum on Data Pooling: Opportunities and Challenges


CELSI has accumulated more than ten years of experience with the collection, processing and analysis of the WageIndicator data on wages, cost of living, minimum wages and collective agreements as well as related country level information on a global scale in collaboration with the WageIndicator Foundation and research institute AIAS of the University of Amsterdam. Following up on the agenda explored at the data forum held at AIAS, the data forum at CELSI will focus on the topic of pooling salary survey data from multiple sources. The possibilities of data pooling for research will be discussed and state-of-the-art research methods will be presented. Data combining can be performed on multiple datasets, but it poses challenges related to the dimensions of time, scales, groups, variances, variables or levels of observation. These opportuni¬ties and challenges, along with the possible biases and methods of alleviating them in online survey data, will also be addressed during the data forum

Course leader


Target group

The Data Forum on Data Pooling: Opportunities and Challenges, CELSI-WageIndicator will be a meeting place for data providers, data users, researchers and stakeholders to discuss the particular opportunities and challenges of web-based survey data and to discuss suitable use of such data for analytical work, making best use of the information it provides and addressing the challenges it may entail.

Course aim

CELSI has accumulated more than ten years of experience with the collection, processing and analysis of the WageIndicator data on wages, cost of living, minimum wages and collective agreements as well as related country level information on a global scale in collaboration with the WageIndicator Foundation and research institute AIAS of the University of Amsterdam.

Following up on the agenda explored at the Data Forum held at AIAS, the Data Forum at CELSI will focus on the topic of pooling salary survey data from multiple sources. The possibilities of data pooling for research will be discussed and state-of-the art research methods will be presented. Data combining can be performed on multiple data sets, but it poses challenges related to the dimensions of time, scales, groups, variances, variables or levels of observation. These opportunities and challenges, along with the possible biases and methods of alleviating them in online survey data, will also be addressed during the data forum.



10 October - 11 October 2019




KU Leuven




0.0 EC

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