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Social Sciences

Developing Across Differences: Expanding the Repertoire


08 July - 08 July 2024


University of Groningen Summer Schools


University of Groningen








0.0 EC


560 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Developing Across Differences: Expanding the Repertoire


This one-day workshop will help you expand and enhance the set of experiential activities you use for intercultural- and/or diversity-focused trainings, whether you work with professional or educational audiences in corporations, NGOs, government agencies and/or other learning institutions, at both the academic and applied levels.

Why Attend?
We will explore exercises, simulations and facilitation techniques you can add or hone within your own trainer toolbox.

Special attention will be given to:

● Applying and adjusting new pedagogical approaches and activities that appropriate in multiple Differences training contexts

● Understanding how ‘tried-and-true’ methods or pedagogical activities/elements you may already use can be enhanced and adapted to be effective for different strands of work within the Differences field.

Course leader

Drs. Michaela Carrière

Target group

Level requirements
The DAD is for multipliers who help individuals, organizations and societies better recognize, appreciate and use differences as a way of better communicating, working and thriving together.

These are (in-house and external) trainers, educators, consultants, coaches, researchers, scholars, facilitators, HR staff, advanced-level (MA+) students, and professional development specialists with 5+ years of experience/study in the greater Differences field. Contact the organisers at or for consultation about appropriateness and eligibility.

It is expected that the participants have a sufficient command of the English language to actively participate in the discussions and to present their own work in English.

Participant profile
This course is for you if you are a trainer/multiplier/educator who is:

- newer to practice within the field,
- ready to “level up” your toolkit,
- already familiar with some DEI training practices but not Intercultural communication training practices—or vice versa

You should already have at least a preliminary understanding of and experience with —either through your own work or participation in ‘training for trainers’ type programs— training and (adult) learning best practices.

Contact the organisers at or if you have questions about the suitability of this course for your circumstances.

Course aim

In this course, you will learn how to help yourself—and those you work with—so that you/they can better:

- Understand and be able to apply facilitation methods that cross the IC-DEI divide—and what types of adjustments are necessary to use in either/both
- More effectively use the debriefing portion of IC and DEI training activities (and overcoming potential challenges that can emerge in the debriefing process) in order to help trainees create more impactful meaning out of the experiences you facilitate with them

Fee info


560 EUR, includes course and materials, optional evening programming



08 July - 08 July 2024


University of Groningen Summer Schools


University of Groningen




0.0 EC

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