Amsterdam, Netherlands
Statistical and Econometric Analysis of Network Data
20 July - 27 July 2025
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Computer Sciences
22 May - 16 June 2023
Polytech Montpellier
6.0 EC
1800 EUR
Programmable digital electronics, operating and programming computers, big data management and analyzing. Intervention of the company IBM.
This track offers 64 hours of lectures and labs around the transformation of measures from our environment to signal, then to data and finally to the analysis of data by most sophisticated methods. First sessions will concentrate on signal (acquisition, filter, processing) then on systems to handle the information digitally (electronic cards, operating systems, programs on computers) or transmit it to the Internet. On a wider scope, information becomes data, and you will discover the basics of Data Science: innovative ways of storing data, mining data to extract meanings or intentions by machine learning and artificial intelligence methods.
Lecturers are members of Université Montpellier or of the Montpellier antenna of IBM corp.
-Programmable Digital Electronics (PDE) (13,5h Lectures + 5h Project & Visit)
-Operating And Programming Computers (POC) (16,5h Lectures + 9h Practical Works & Project)
-Big Data Management And Analyzing (BDMA) (15h Lectures + 5h Practical Works & Project
--French Language and Culture, In
terculturality: This track of about 24 hours offers a presentation of France and an immersion in the Occitanie Region (Regional economy, Art of living in the South of France). You will learn the basic French vocabulary (gastronomy and culture). During these 4 weeks you will also benefit from an introduction to interculturality and the cultural specificities of France.
-Tutored cross-disciplinary project on sustainability: During the 4 weeks, you will work in small teams supervised by a professor. The objective of the project is to work in groups from different cultures and scientific disciplines in order to write the specifications of an innovative product/service responding to one of the 17 sustainable development issues established by the United Nations.
If you want to learn about data and information processing while submerging in multi-culturality with student from all over the world while learning French and French culture, this FLOW course if perfect for you !
Don't forget to enroll before March 15th !
It is designed for international undergraduate students in Science and Engineering who have completed their first or second year of study and want to discover France, its language and its culture.
Students will receive 64h of taught-in-english scientific and technological courses (lectures and practical), as well as 12 hours of cross-disciplinary project on sustainability and 24 hours of French courses and sociocultural activities.
1800 EUR, For students from partner universities Including: Accommodation and meals (family home) Transfers and local transportation pass Scientific lectures and activities (64h, 4 ECTS*) Cross-disciplinary project on sustainability (12h, 1 ECTS) French courses and virtual sociocultural activities (24h, 1 ECTS)
3600 EUR, For students from non-partner universities Including: Accommodation and meals (family home) Transfers and local transportation pass Scientific lectures and activities (64h, 4 ECTS*) Cross-disciplinary project on sustainability (12h, 1 ECTS) French courses and virtual sociocultural activities (24h, 1 ECTS)
22 May - 16 June 2023
Polytech Montpellier
6.0 EC
Amsterdam, Netherlands
20 July - 27 July 2025
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Coventry, United Kingdom
13 July - 02 August 2025
4.0 EC
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London, United Kingdom
30 June - 18 July 2025
7.5 EC
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