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International Relations

Diplomacy and International Relations


20 April - 23 April 2018


Intensive Course for Diplomacy and Diplomatic Communication


Diplomatic and Protocol Academy of Kosovo








0.0 EC


65 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Diplomacy and International Relations


The Academy for Protocol and Diplomacy, have a great pleasure to invite you to participate at this sessions of Spring University which will be held in Prishtina, Kosovo.

Course description:

The overall aim of this course will be to introduce students to the art of diplomacy in the Western tradition with an emphasis on the beginning of the 19th century through to contemporary international politics. In particular, the course will stress the evolution of the Ambassador's role over time and how such factors as technology, communications and ideology have impacted the efficacy of the diplomatic process. Students will be shown the relationship of diplomacy to the political system, especially how the MFA and Ambassador's role is rooted in constitutions and international norms. The course will provide a clear account of the shape and functions of the world diplomatic system as it stands at the beginning of the 21st century: what it is, what it does, and why it is important. The course aims to provide knowledge of the nature of diplomacy; when diplomacy is appropriate; the advantages and disadvantages of different diplomatic methods; and the lexicon of diplomacy. Students will be given a strong grasp of the nature of diplomacy conceived as a specialized professional activity developed over many centuries, and be able to defend its value with authority and enthusiasm.

Readings and Assignments

The course will not have a final exam. Instead, students will be expected to raise a series of short papers/topics throughout the sessions, engage in two in-class debate and participation activities.

The final paper shall be an examination of one particular diplomatic paper and a crisis that he or she dealt with. The paper may be derived from a biographical account. More information shall be given in class.

Course Schedule

Day 1, Part I

What is Diplomacy? How do we define the scope of diplomacy? Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Diplomacy

Readings: Vienna Conventions on Consular and Diplomatic Affairs

Day 1, part II

Organization of Diplomacy – Establishing a New Ministry of Foreign Affairs, creating and maintaining of diplomatic relations (Kosovo Case Study)

Provided readings during info-sessions

Day 1, part III

Organization of Diplomacy/International Organizations

Readings: the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

Day 2, Part I

Diplomatic Communication – Establishing Diplomatic Relations

Day 2, Part II

Diplomatic Correspondence, presenting diplomatic samples

Day 2, part III

Diplomatic Protocol and Diplomatic Etiquette

Day 3, part I

Study visits (Kosovo National Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo)
Day 3, part II, certification and departure of participants

Course leader

Mr. Besim SALIHU

Target group

Students with different academic backgrounds and a general interest in negotiation, diplomacy and international relations will benefit from each other in an intercultural and interdisciplinary learning process. Former classes consisted of regular students and practitioners such as civil servants, communication experts, EU Institutions employee, young politicians and even parliamentary officials.
The course does not require special knowledge about international relations, diplomacy, international negotiations, history or culture, but participants should be interested in more than just their field of specialization. In class participation, especially in the discussions with experts, is essential for the course success and plays an important role in grading.

Lectures, presentations and examinations will be held in English.

Lectures, presentations and examinations will be held in English.

Application for participation:

All participants must send their CV and motivation letter to by 14th of April 2018, at 24:00.

Eligible country to apply:

The eligible students to apply are all students/candidates that no need visa to enter to the Republic of Kosovo

Course aim

The course aims to provide knowledge of the nature of diplomacy; when diplomacy is appropriate; the advantages and disadvantages of different diplomatic methods; and the lexicon of diplomacy. Students will be given a strong grasp of the nature of diplomacy conceived as a specialized professional activity developed over many centuries, and be able to defend its value with authority and enthusiasm.

Fee info


65 EUR, Tuition fee for Kosovo students/participants is 65 euro; Tuition fee for Kosovo Students covers: Three lunches Reading materials, lectures, coffee breaks, certification, study visits


80 EUR, Tuition fee for non-Kosovo Students covers: Accommodation in private apartments (max three people per apartment), three lunches Reading materials, lectures, coffee breaks, certification, and study visits Accommodation: ADP staff upon your request will support you to book an accommodation place with reasonable price up to 15 euro per night in private apartments, max 3 people in apartment. For single room we recommend you the price of 25 euro per night, in private apartments in down town of Prishtina. For more information and registration please contact us; APD Team, E-mail: Tel: +37745603619 FB page: Academy for Protocol and Diplomacy



20 April - 23 April 2018


Intensive Course for Diplomacy and Diplomatic Communication


Diplomatic and Protocol Academy of Kosovo




0.0 EC

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