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Dublin III, two years on. Asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and beyond


19 June - 21 June 2015


European Inter-University centre of Human Rights and Democratisation


European Inter-University centre of Human Rights and Democratisation






0.0 EC


700 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Dublin III, two years on. Asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and beyond


The training programme shall provide lawyers and professionals involved in the implementation of asylum and refugee policies, with tools for better understanding and use of the relevant international and European legal instruments. The seminar will guide its participants through a critical assessment of the ability of such instruments to protect human rights of asylum seekers and refugees, as well as to harmonize states’ practice. Reference to specific national and European case-law will be made so to examine concrete application of the existing legal framework to national contexts, and allow a comparative analysis of experiences and challenges.

Course leader

PThe training programme shall provide lawyers and professionals involved in the implementation of asylum and refugee policies, with tools for better understanding and use of the relevant international and European legal instruments. The seminar will guide

Target group

Target: the seminar is addressed to legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, legal scholars, legal experts working for NGOs, etc.) from Europe and beyond.

Eligibility: Lectures are conceived for participants with a legal academic background, and who have legal professional experience or are deepening international legal standards on asylum and refugee protection within their studies or professional practice.

Training language: all lectures will be held in English. It is, therefore, essential that all participants understand and speak English fluently.

Course aim

The course aims at reaching this primary objective by involving distinguished scholars and practitioners in a thorough overview of the legal instruments at stake, and facilitate comparative analysis of experiences and challenges.

The ultimate objectives of the training seminar are to:

provide participants with an overview of the common European asylum system and of the existing international human rights instruments setting universal principles on asylum, refugee status, migration;
allow a comparative analysis of this normative system;
create a forum for exchange of best practices;
foster cross-border cooperation and networking among legal practitioners from all EU countries involved in the implementation of the EU norms.

Fee info


700 EUR, Enrolment fee for the training seminar amounts to € 500,00 with no accommodation, or € 700,00 with accommodation for 3 nights (nights of 18, 19 and 20 June – departures 21 June 2015). If you choose the option with no accommodation, the enrolment fee will include: tuition fee lunches on class days If you choose the option with accommodation, the enrolment fee will include: tuition fee lunches on class days accommodation in a single room in a hotel on the lido for 3 nights Please note that EIUC does not offer scholarship. Discounts ENROL BY 25 APRIL 2015 TO RECEIVE A 10% DISCOUNT € 450,00 with no accommodation or € 625,00 with accommodation for 3 nights (nights of 18, 19 and 20 June – departures 21 June 2015). The discount policy applies to the following categories: Early birds booking and paying by 25 April 2015 Previous participants to EIUC training seminars E.MA alumni



19 June - 21 June 2015


European Inter-University centre of Human Rights and Democratisation


European Inter-University centre of Human Rights and Democratisation


0.0 EC

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