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Economics for Managers course in Barcelona


13 August - 24 August 2018


Maastricht School of Management (MSM) Summer School


Maastricht School of Management (MSM)








3.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Economics for Managers course in Barcelona


In July & August 2018, Maastricht School of Management offers you the opportunity to follow up to four intensive summer courses to become ‘certified in management.’ You can apply for either one of these two-week courses or for all four. The fourth of the series courses is on "Economics for Managers".

The 'Economics for Managers" course will be delivered at the Student Hotel Campus (TSH) “Marina” in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Barcelona, Spain. The Student Hotel serves students throughout Europe. They know that today’s students are eager to learn and to develop. Preferably while having fun exploring the world. The Certified in Management program of MSM caters to that appetite.

Target group

* Students with an interest in pursuing a Master in Management
- The ECTS obtained in the Summer Intensive courses can be exempted from the full-time MSM Master in Management
- A reduced tuition fee will be offered to students who decide to enroll in the MSM Master of Management
* Master students with an interest in management who wish to broaden their horizon
* Young professionals who wish to freshen-up their management skills to become more efficient leaders in their fields. Please note that you must be registered as a student at MSM or at another school or university to participate in the program!

Course aim

Course aim
The "Economics for Managers" course is one of the four two-week summer intensive Certified in Management courses we offer at The Student Hotel in Barcelona. In the other three courses you will touch on some other interesting important pillars of management – Cultural Diversity (Eindhoven), Marketing (Barcelona), Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Barcelona). You can choose how many of the 4 courses (3 ECTS each) you want to follow.

* Each course starts with four class days in which lectures and case discussions are used to introduce the main theoretical insights and to explore how these insights can inform managerial practice.
* In the second week of each course we extend the “lecture room” into the city: you may expect the final course assignments to require you to interact with businesses and/or entrepreneurs in Barcelona. For each course, you will have to document your lessons learned in a paper.

Successful completion of this program requires a substantial commitment.



13 August - 24 August 2018


Maastricht School of Management (MSM) Summer School


Maastricht School of Management (MSM)




3.0 EC

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