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Cultural Studies

Ek-stasis (out of ordinary) in Politics: Studying revolutions, wars, and other liminal moments


26 June - 04 July 2010


International Political Anthropology Summer School (IPASS)


University College Cork






5.0 EC


750 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Ek-stasis (out of ordinary) in Politics:

Studying revolutions, wars, and other liminal moments


Second IPA Summer School in International Political Anthropology

26 June – 4 July 2010, Florence, Italy

Theme: Ek-stasis (out of ordinary) in Politics:

Studying revolutions, wars, and other liminal moments

After the 2009 Summer School of International Political Anthropology, a peer-reviewed pluri-disciplinary international journal (, devoted to the theme ‘Masks of the Contemporary’, this year’s Summer School will focus on the out of ordinary) in Politics. The teaching staff will consist of an international team of scholars associated with International Political Anthropology; academics specialized in comparative studies in politics, sociology, or anthropology, including some leading figures in their fields.

Our aim is to provide advanced students and junior researchers with access to a wide range of analytically developed perspectives in the political, social and human sciences; to develop a proper forum for students and researchers to discuss their research projects; and to encourage them to produce quality work with a strong potential for future publication.

The School will last a week, with about 40 hours of class contact made up mostly of staff lectures, but also including seminar discussions and student presentations. There will also be a series of group activities, and a special session in IPA journal editors offer a guide to publication.

Faculty for the 2010 IPA Summer School on ‘Ek-stasis’ in Politics include Agnes Horvath (Milano), Bjorn Thomassen (Rome), and Harald Wydra (Cambridge), the editors of IPA; Kieran Keohane (Cork), and Arpad Szakolczai (Cork), regular IPA Summer School staff; Carmen Kuhling (Limerick), Richard Sakwa (Canterbury), Michael Urban (San Diego), (Master-class speakers).

Participants are suggested to submit a max. 5000 words paper or research project, related either to their current or recently finished work, before the start of the School, which will then be presented at one of the Sessions. The papers will be assessed by the academics teaching at the School, with a constructive feedback provided during the Sessions.

Students must try to attend all Sessions. Successful participation in the School will be fully accredited (5-10 ECTS or equivalent), and IPA will award a prize for the best paper presented.


Applicants must email their application, consisting of a letter of application, a letter of reference, a short CV, and a 500-word abstract of their proposed paper to the IPA Secretary ( before 15 May 2010.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome by email within 7 days.

IPA gratefully acknowledges support from the Graduate School, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences, UCC

Course leader

Agnes Horvath Dr.Ph-d

Target group

advanced students and junior researchers

Course aim

Our aim is to provide advanced students and junior researchers with access to a wide range of analytically developed perspectives in the political, social and human sciences; to develop a proper forum for students and researchers to discuss their research projects; and to encourage them to produce quality work with a strong potential for future publication.

Fee info


750 EUR, Full fees for the Summer School are €750 that cover tuition costs and a hotel accommodation (breakfast included), two receptions, light lunches, coffees refreshment at site, 6 group dinners in Florentine restaurants, and school excursions. Payment is through Paypal on the website

IPA Summer School Fees The package includes: Seven nights B&B accommodation at the Hotel Medici in Florence from Saturday 26th June to Saturday night 3rd July. Reception & orientation at Palazzo Guidi on June 27th School dinners, inc



26 June - 04 July 2010


International Political Anthropology Summer School (IPASS)


University College Cork


5.0 EC

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