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Energy Systems in Transition and Sustainable Mobility


11 June - 01 July 2017


Swiss Study Foundation summer school


Swiss Study Foundation


Lausanne, Zurich






5.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Energy Systems in Transition and Sustainable Mobility


Energy systems are entering a transition period as they progressively integrate intermittent renewable production, storage, electric mobility, demand-side management, etc. Energy systems will thus become more integrated and decentralized. For decision makers to be able to take informed decisions, it become increasingly necessary to gain a holistic understanding of the complexity of these future energy systems, as well as on the evolutionary pathways from today’s paradigm.

Modeling experts, energy system specialists and energy economists will team-up to provide a comprehensive view on the modeling of energy systems. Participants will be exposed, though lectures, practical sessions and active participation to real research projects, to the main techno- and macro-economic modeling tools available to design energy systems, simulate scenarios and assess energy and climate policies. The following approaches will be introduced: simulation and optimization energy models, economic growth models, partial equilibrium models, as well as life-cycle analysis (LCA) and material flow analysis (MCA). The program will also discuss the issue of the many uncertain parameters surrounding the energy transition that might impact the relevance of energy models. In particular, advanced stochastic techniques commonly used to design resilient and robust energy policies will be presented and illustrated.

Transport-related energy consumption is a high (and growing) share of the total energy consumption globally and in Switzerland in particular, with almost 40 % of total final national energy consumption. The development of even more efficient drivetrain and energy conversion technologies together with a systemic perspective of the transport system is essential for the transition of the current transportation system to a more sustainable one, featuring minimal Co2 output and primary energy demand as well as virtually zero-pollutant pollutants. The following topics will be covered: environmental impacts of personal mobility, of freight transportation and of different transportation technologies and settlement types, interactions between mobilitiy and other energy sectors, current developments in e-mobility and battery development, mobility patterns and mobility behaviour, CO2 reduction (decarbonisation) in mobility (freight and passenger transportation).

Course leader

Dr. Silvie Cuperus, Program Manager of the European Campus of Excellence Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 44 233 33 12 Swiss Study Foundation, CH – 8032 Zurich

Target group

The European Campus of Excellence course is open to 30 students. Participants will be selected based on academic merit.
Studying at a European University (Israel, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey included) or students studying outside Europe and holding an European citizenship can apply

Students should demonstrate high motivation and interest in gaining further knowledge on energy issues and be enrolled in a bachelor (second or third year) or master program in natural, engineering sciences, economic or social sciences. Wokring proficiency in English is required.

Selection of the participants will be based on their academic record.

Course aim

The energy sector is a major contributor to some of the most pressing societal challenges, such as climate change, resource depletion and local air pollution. We are presently facing huge and unprecedented challenges in replacing the current fossil fuel based energy systems with a sustainable, more secure and equitable supply and in reducing our energy consumption.

The energy sector is a major contributor to some of the most pressing societal challenges, such as climate change, resource depletion and local air pollution. We are presently facing huge and unprecedented challenges in replacing the current fossil fuel based energy systems with a sustainable, more secure and equitable supply. To mitigate these problems, new energy technologies need to be developed and diffused. Firms and institutions, such as public policy, as well as the energy consumer play a particularly important role in achieving these goals.

The summer school will enable students to share knowledge and learn from each other as well as from experts in the field. It provides a unique setting for students to collaborate and to build a network across Europe. Awareness for the challenge of our future energy supply will be raised, a better understanding of the energy issues will be encouraged, and global solutions to meet the challenges will be discussed. The small number of attendees offers ideal learning conditions. In addition to the lectures and practical sessions, visits to energy facilities as well as to research institutes are planned.



11 June - 01 July 2017


Swiss Study Foundation summer school


Swiss Study Foundation




5.0 EC

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