Nuremberg, Germany
Confident and Effective Communication
21 July - 01 August 2025
0.0 EC
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Business & Entrepreneurship
20 July - 17 August 2024
Summer and Winter University FUBiS
Freie UniversitÀt Berlin
5.0 EC
1300 EUR
Leadership surrounds us always and everywhere. Be it as a supervisor, team captain, student activist, or parent â we all need certain leadership skills to thrive in our private and professional lives. However, what makes a good leader has long been the subject of controversial debate in research and practice. Leadership theories have constantly evolved, and modern concepts are manifold. At the same time, management scandals (e.g., Wirecard, Dieselgate, Twitter) repeatedly bring leadership failures to light. This course introduces a basic understanding of what leadership actually is and how that understanding depends on time and context.
On this basis, we will take a closer look at what enables individuals to lead in an entrepreneurial way and why an entrepreneurial mindset is more than ever important among todayâs leaders. The economic, political, and ecological crises around the world have led us to question many of the assumptions on what entrepreneurship and âtypicalâ entrepreneurs are. Various initiatives have been established to promote diverse forms, purposes, and initiators of entrepreneurial activity. Behind such endeavours lies the hope that entrepreneurship will not only create new jobs, but also new ideas for the future and solutions to the world's most pressing problems.Accordingly, the European Commission developed a reference framework (âEntreCompâ) to establish an understanding of entrepreneurship as a competence that results in social, cultural, or financial value for others. The basic idea of this framework is that the necessary skills and attitudes can be learned and applied by anyone.
However, the outcome in practice regarding entrepreneurial diversity looks different. Women and ethnic minorities, for instance, remain significantly underrepresented in startup ecosystems worldwide. Counting a global average of 15% female founders, we are still far from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 (gender equality) in the entrepreneurial context. We will touch upon the causes and discuss possible solutions in class. The course also emphasizes learning about the diversity of the Berlin startup ecosystem. To this end, we invite and/or visit guests from local startups and impact communities.
Through participation in the course, students will gain a basic understanding of entrepreneurial leadership in its diversity with a focus on Berlin and Europe. Integrated work with historical and modern role models will help students adopt a critical perspective on good leadership. Moreover, students will have the opportunity to reflect on and develop their own (entrepreneurial) leadership skills. For this purpose, the course is designed to be highly interactive and relies on innovative teaching methods.
A special session will be a full day leadership coaching with horses (physical contact is voluntary!). Such an approach is relatively new to university education but is gaining popularity in Human Resources (HR) and leadership development. The beauty of equine interaction is that horses are not biased. They do not judge a person by status, gender, or skin color, but respond only to personal radiance when deciding whether or not to follow a human being. This way, students experience the value of diversity in leadership and ultimately learn about the importance of trustworthiness and communication. By receiving very honest individual feedback, students will have the opportunity to further develop their personal leadership identity and skills.
Conny Steenblock
The course is designed for students of any disciplines with a general interest in sustainably
responsible entrepreneurship and leadership. There are no special prerequisites for the
1300 EUR, course fee
300 EUR, program fee
20 July - 17 August 2024
Summer and Winter University FUBiS
Freie UniversitÀt Berlin
5.0 EC
Nuremberg, Germany
21 July - 01 August 2025
0.0 EC
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Le Havre, France
27 June - 10 July 2025
6 EC
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Copenhagen, Denmark
23 June - 25 July 2025
7.5 EC
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