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European Architecture through ages


02 July - 20 July 2012


Summer School Almere


Summer School Almere






4.0 EC


2200 EUR


This course examines the fundamental styles of European architecture from Ancient Rome to the present day modern architecture. We will go through time by visiting major architectural sites of Ancient Rome, GaudiĀ“s Barcelona and modern Almere.

Architecture is a rather unknown subject. It was Vitrubio, an architect from the roman times, who described Architecture as the art of combining Utility, Stability and Beauty. But although this statement is still valid nowadays, the fact is that Beauty is still perceived as something additional, not indispensable and subjective. And besides, it involves Technique and Art, two disciplines that seem to be far away from each other.

The course will give a new approach to the sites visited, uncovering the architectural language hidden and breaking all other barriers that prevent from understanding and enjoying the masterpieces of architecture.

Course leader

Mr. Luis BallĆ³ Torres

Target group

Everyone interested in Architecture, with no or limited background in this field of expertise.

Course aim

*Take a different approach to historical cities like Rome and Barcelona, including ancient and modern architecture as a guide to travel through its history and culture
*Be able to ā€œreadā€ the architectural language used in buildings from different periods
*Understand terms like proportion-scale, plenty-empty, axis-perspective, composition-transition, etc. and be able to identify them in the constructions
*Experience that architecture can be something else that just a container to fulfill needs, itĀ“s an opportunity to awaken peopleĀ“s emotions through art and technique
*Enjoy architecture and urbanism as a 3 dimensional art that we can walk through



02 July - 20 July 2012


Summer School Almere


Summer School Almere


4.0 EC


2200 EUR, Includes course fee, materials, excursions and activities, accommodations and flights.

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