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Political Science

European Political Identity at the Crossroads: Advancing European Integration


01 September - 16 September 2015


EucA Cambridge Summer School


European University College Association




United Kingdom


0.0 EC


800 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
European Political Identity at the Crossroads: Advancing European Integration


We offer the chance to 20 University students to spend two weeks in
Newnham College of the University of Cambridge, learning from and living
with Cambridge scholars and lecturers from international universities
exploring relevant contemporary issues through a highly stimulating
The faculty will give three seminars per day, but the debate will continue informally during
meals and networking receptions. All the students will be accommodated in Newnham
College, in single rooms; all the meals will be taken in the College canteen.
Part of the programme are several non formal activities, such as a British Parliamentary
Debate, simulations of EU decision making-process or current international negotiations,
aimed to develop soft skills such as public speaking, team-working, presentation skills, time
management, just to name a few. The non-formal activities require engagement and
intellectual curiosity. The programme includes also recreational activities such as touring
Cambridge, punting on the river Cam, and, for those who wish, a trip to London.
There will be a Diploma Ceremony on the last day in Cambridge after a Formal Dinner in
Newnham’s Victorian Dining Hall.

Course leader

Dr. Thomas D. D’Andrea, Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK, and Director of the Institute for the Study of Philosophy, Politics, and Religion (ISPPR).

Target group

The EucA Summer School is open to 20 students from EucA Colleges and partner countries.
Students’ pre-selection will be based on their application containing the following
documents that must be submitted in English and .pdf format:
1. Curriculum vitae;
2. Letter of motivation where the applicants are required to explain their interest in the
topics of the Summer School, previous knowledge (if any), and what do they hope to
achieve by participating (between 200/600 words);
3. Essay on one of the topics proposed by EucA (between 800/1600 words). You can
find the topics at the end of this document.
Preselected candidates will be interviewed via Skype by the EucA staff to know better their
academic record, personal interests, motivation and linguistic competences. The best
applications will be sent to the Director of the Summer School, Dr. Thomas D’Andrea, for the
final selection.
Applications should be sent to
The deadline to send the applications is May 3rd, 2015.

Course aim

Today more than ever Europe is at the crossroads.
Internally, Eurosceptic parties from far sides of both right and left have received a vast
consensus from many Europeans, and major debates are carried out on the “Grexit” and
“Brexit” options. As far as foreign policy is concerned, the situation in Ukraine, the instability in
the Near East and North Africa demand decisions from Europe, regardless of the moment of
economic and internal division.
Can new theoretical patterns, changes of perspective or in-depth analysis give a deeper
understanding of nowadays actions, reactions and opinions towards the EU and its role in the
region and why not, in the world?
How many Europes are there and how does this shape our identity and worldview? Does the
much hoped European identity give ground to mutual understanding between Irish, French,
Polish, Greek, Hungarian, Germans and so forth? And what about Ukrainians, Kosovars,
Albanians or Russians, just to name a few of non-EU citizens? Don’t they have a claim to
European identity? The complexity and the ensuing debate becomes more interesting when
we add to the discussions the relationship with Islam, the desire for justice, integration or unity
in diversity.
A deep rethinking and investigation of the political, economical and geopolitical challenges
that Europe faces today are needed now more than ever and Cambridge is one of the most
fascinating and thought provoking settings that can inspire them.

Fee info


800 EUR, This fee is for students applying from Western countries. It includes accomodation and meals at Newnham College fot the all duration of the Summer School. It does NOT cover travel expenses to reach Cambrdge.


400 EUR, This fee is for students applying from Eastern countries, who will also have to cover themselves visa expenses. The fee includes accomodation and meals at Newnham College fot the all duration of the Summer School. It does NOT cover travel expenses to reach Cambrdge.



01 September - 16 September 2015


EucA Cambridge Summer School


European University College Association


0.0 EC

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