Aarhus, Denmark
Game.Play.Design Jamming with Culture
23 July - 08 August 2025
10 EC
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Cultural Studies
15 June - 21 June 2020
Feminist No Borders Summer School
Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research
0.0 EC
300 EUR
The Feminist No Borders Summer School is three years in the making. The brainchild of Feminist Researchers Against Borders (FRAB) has survived a packed classroom in the Polytechnic University of Athens in the July 2018 heatwave, and was nourished in its life course as the first gathering we had in the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research in June 2019. We are grateful to the 100+ past participants, invited speakers, and community experts of the 2-day and 3-day workshops who gave this summer school its existence.
The context of the two previous events was shaped by the ârefugee crisisâ that was declared to have broken out in Greece in the summer of 2015, and the âeconomic crisisâ that was dramatised in July 2015: first, by the referendum through which the electorate rejected a new memorandum of understanding between the government of Greece and the Troika of its creditors; and then by the deal reached between the Greek government and the leaders of the Eurozone in defiance of the popular vote. The liminal position of Greece within Europe (and within the institutions comprising âEUropeâ) has been intensified by these intertwined developments. Moreover, the multiple forms of precarity and the various velocities at which some human (and nonhuman) beings are consigned to death through the necropolitics of the âcrisis regimesâ have intensified divisions amongst us, along lines of racialised citizenship, class power, and heteropatriarchal normativities. Thus, we asked: What becomes possible when we inhabit the borderlands with the conscious intention of breaking down the multiple borders that have been erected to keep us apart?
While we are writing this call, right in front of us and around us we witness whole islands having been turned into spaces of administrative torture, and the sea turned into an aqueous cemetery; we hear plans for the construction of new closed detention centres on âhotspotâ islands; we see the imposition of a new asylum law that violates oneâs very right to apply for asylum in Greece; we resist violent evictions of squats in Athens and other urban centres; we experience the privatisation and militarisation of public spaces, including incessant stop and search procedures through racial and gender profiling; we protest sexual assaults and feminicides, at the borders, on the streets, in prisons, and in homes turned into prisons.
What have we learnt from (our) being together in Athens during the previous two summers? That incisive analyses about the phenomena comprising our bordered reality, and hard-wrought experiences of struggle and resistance, can be shared and synthesised with care, passion, and joy, when feminists who oppose the international nation-state system of borders meet in a room. While we meet in Athens, we seek and offer connection, collaboration, mutual support, friendship, and love to all those who struggle for survival and for possible better worlds across the continents.
This year, with FRAB, we launch the full 7-day summer school at FAC Research in Athens. Over these intensive and reflective seven days, a combination of participantsâ presentations, discussions, workshops, visits to community organisations, and keynote addresses will culminate in a collective intervention. Coinciding with the Summer School, the BRIDGES project will present its toolkit for antiracist education from an intersectional and decolonial perspective, aimed at university and community educators working toward dismantling structures of exclusion, particularly those erected by borders.
Keynote speakers:
Suryia Nayak (University of Salford, Manchester)
Sreejata Roy (Revue, New Delhi)
Sophie Richter-Devroe (Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha)
Deanna Dadusc (Alarm Phone, Brighton)
Latife AkyĂŒz (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Aila Spathopoulou, Anna Carastathis, Carmen Zografou, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Penny Travlou
We invite applications from researchers (including those working outside academic institutions), activists, and artists. Participants are asked to propose an individual research project that will be presented during the summer school and developed in Athens.
300 EUR, Tuition fee for participants who are not members of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research
250 EUR, Tuition fee for participants who are members of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research
15 June - 21 June 2020
Feminist No Borders Summer School
Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research
0.0 EC
Aarhus, Denmark
23 July - 08 August 2025
10 EC
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Tallinn, Estonia
14 July - 01 August 2025
1.0 EC
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Aarhus, Denmark
02 July - 18 July 2025
10 EC
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