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Business & Entrepreneurship

Financial Life Planning Fundamentals


15 July - 19 July 2013


La Salle Almere Campus


La Salle Almere Campus






0.0 EC


950 EUR


The aim of our training in Financial Life Planning is learning to control the money, learn to be a friend and an enemy of him, to know how elect him as traveling companion in any project whether professional or personal, no fear to share life with him, demystify or amplify the circumstances.
Financial Life Planning will help you transform yourself and know yourself you and your money through a unique training and learning aims differential, making awareness and learn to live with the money.

Course leader

Alexandre Carrasco Jordi Pumarola

Target group

• Entrepreneurs: Who wants to take and need to know how to work well with money.
• Professional money: People who work in sectors such as financial services, purchasing, human resources, negotiations, especially those who combine money management with managing people.
• Schools: Education of money in schools is nonexistent. It’s time we have a program aimed at educating the money for teachers and children.
• Families: as is the relationship between the family and the family patrimony and intergenerational relations and intra-generational that it causes.
• In company: Companies looking for training their employees with specific targets, or companies that the money is part of their daily work. We adapt the program to the needs of each company and time

Course aim

This course aims to show our working model in a simplified way, so that students can discover some of the tools of the model to implement them when they return to their professional or personal.
You will experiment with yourself and with others, to discover what you know or do not know about money, to see the impact around you when you work with money and from this knowledge create and lead your relationship with money.



15 July - 19 July 2013


La Salle Almere Campus


La Salle Almere Campus


0.0 EC


950 EUR, Housing not included


1125 EUR, Housing included

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