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Forecast Engineering


17 August - 29 August 2014


Bauhaus Summer School


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar






4.0 EC


550 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Forecast Engineering


Global climate change & challenges for built environment

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and 17 partner institutions from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Turkey present special topics of Structural Engineering in combination with the holistic discussion of the consequences due to climate changes, especially by the consideration of other disciplines and partners from University of Waterloo and GFZ Potsdam.

Through a challenging and demanding series of lectures, as well as seminars and project work, presented with a state-of-the-art information and communication technology, this project seeks to impart knowledge and to combine research with a practical context.

This comprehensive summer course at graduate level will introduce selected students to six course topics and related projects. To enable participants to understand and use the presented concepts in their further professional career a main part of the summer school is devoted to interdisciplinary project work.

Course leader

ERASMUS Intensive Programme »An ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) is a short, structured programme of study which brings together students and staff from universities from at least three different countries which participate in the ERASMUS programme. It

Target group

The course is tailored to advanced master's and doctoral candidates from Germany and abroad in the fields of structural engineering and modeling, natural hazards and risk management, geodynamics and foundation engineering.

The course language is English.

Participants are encouraged to give a short presentation on one of the following topics:
- Recent developments in structural engineering
- Structural modeling and system identification
- Natural hazards and risk assessment
- Geodynamics and foundation engineering
- Numerical models in civil engineering application

Course aim

Discussions and the exchange of ideas with professors, research associates and other participants during and after classes will enhance the personal experience and bring best benefits to all participants. In addition, we offer excursions to building-sites and leading companies as well as a programme of cultural events.

Fee info


550 EUR, The course fee is 550,-€.


450 EUR, Students and alumni pay the reduced fee of 450,-€.



17 August - 29 August 2014


Bauhaus Summer School


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


4.0 EC

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