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Frontiers of investment rule-making (in partnership with the University of Ottawa and the World Bank)


10 July - 21 July 2017


University of Bern Winter and Summer Schools


University of Bern








6.0 EC


3600 CHF

Please note: this course has already ended
Frontiers of investment rule-making (in partnership with the University of Ottawa and the World Bank)


This advanced two-week course analyses the latest trends in the negotiation and implementation of international investment agreements, dispute prevention and investment litigation, devoting particular attention to the most recent jurisprudence in investor-state arbitration and proposals for ISDS reform. Key differences in the substance of investment protection between bilateral investment treaties and the investment chapters of preferential trade agreements, particularly recent mega-regional agreements such as CETA, TPP and TTIP are explored, even if its future is uncertain. Alternatives to regulatory fragmentation in investment law are also addressed, including the relationship between investment and trade law and prospects for multilateral rule-making in the investment field. Causes and consequences of the termination and denunciation of investment agreements are also analysed.

Course leader

Roberto Echandi, World Bank (July 10-11) Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (July 12-15), University of Basel; Patrick Dumberry (July 17-19), University of Ottawa; and Rodrigo Polanco (July 19-21), World Trade Institute, Bern

Target group

We accept individuals who have completed an undergraduate degree in law, economics or political science, or in an unrelated field supplemented by relevant working experience. Participants are expected to have a strong command of English and should be ready to read a large amount of material in English both prior to and during the Summer Academy.

Course aim

The WTI Summer Academy covers cutting-edge issues in investment and trade law and policy. It is designed for private and public sector and civil society professionals as well as higher-education students. In lectures, discussions and case studies, renowned experts will teach you how to blend the policy aspects of trade and investment with thorough legal interpretation and economic analysis. Becoming a part of the WTI community, you will establish valuable contacts with fellow-minded professionals and lecturers.

Fee info


3600 CHF, Tuition for one week is 1,800 Swiss francs. Participants who attend for three weeks and complete a scientific paper to obtain a Certicate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in International Law and Economics will receive a discounted rate of 5,000 Swiss francs. Those who complete the full eight weeks plus a scientific research paper to obtain a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in International Law and Economics will receive a further discount and pay 12,000 Swiss francs. Payment must be made in Swiss francs. Due to the limited number of places, payment is due upon acceptance to the programme. Please note that the above fees do not cover other costs such as meals, housing or local transportation. Special rates apply to students registered at the University of Bern. A 50% tuition waiver is applicable to participants affiliated with the UNCTAD Virtual Institute (university staff and students and think tank members, with proof of institutional affiliation and/or registration). For detailed information, please visit the UNCTAD VI website.



10 July - 21 July 2017


University of Bern Winter and Summer Schools


University of Bern




6.0 EC

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