Coventry, United Kingdom
A Taste of Science and Engineering
15 July - 25 July 2025
0.0 EC
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Life Sciences
01 July - 06 July 2019
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden University
1.5 EC
Population Health Management as an innovative approach to ensure sustainability of health care systems, is a highly relevant research theme worldwide. Many countries and their healthcare system are challenged by epidemiological trends as ageing and increased prevalence of multimorbidity. Furthermore, technological developments will change the supply and demand of health care. Moreover, societal trends as individualism and patient empowerment influence our values and needs of health care systems and lastly, rising health care costs demand political and ethical choices. These current trends challenge us globally how to promote, manage and ensure health for the entire population.
The Summer School Fundamentals of Population Health Management is especially developed to
attract high potential MSc- and PhD-students. By offering an inspiring and challenging program we
assure the attendance of 10 international and 20 non-international participants in 2019.
Our main target group are highly talented MSc-students, PhD-students or junior postdocs with a
background in (bio-)medicine, public health, epidemiology or data science. The participants are
pioneers, are capable of out-of-the-box thinking and have the ambition to contribute to the global
challenge of population health, looking further than their own area of expertise.
Fundamentals of Population Health Management
The answer to this global challenge of population health lies within Population Health Management; being a pro-active approach instead of reactive, broadening its scope of individual interventions with organisational and cultural interventions, and aiming to improve patient and financial outcomes next to clinical outcomes, all based on a risk stratified needs assessment of the population. The Summer School Population Health Management is an inspiring and unique answer to the global challenge in population health and will reach those highly talented pioneering MSc-/PhD-students.
In the summer school Fundamentals of Population Health Management, internationally respected experts, as Stephen Sutch from Johns Hopkins University, give insights in the systematic approach of Population Health Management and external speakers as Jurriaan Pröpper, director of OptiMedis connected to Gesundes Kinzigtal, show successful examples of Population Health Management in practice. During the afternoons participants will get the opportunity to directly apply the obtained knowledge in assignments related to current burning healthcare problems (burning platforms).
Learning objectives
After completion of the Summer School Fundamentals of Population Health management, the student:
-understands the underpinnings of transformations of value in health care;
-knows and applies the distinctive essentials of Population Health Management;
-is able to recognise and formulate the key features of Population Health Management Approach.
After successful completion of the Summer School, the participants have gained insights in the systematic approach of Population Health Management, they will be able to view current and future healthcare challenges in a broader perspective and have practical experiences that will help them in their future career. Furthermore, the participants will receive a certificate signed by the University of Leiden, the LUMC and the Boerhaave Nascholing.
01 July - 06 July 2019
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden University
1.5 EC
Coventry, United Kingdom
15 July - 25 July 2025
0.0 EC
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London, United Kingdom
30 June - 18 July 2025
7.5 EC
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Barcelona, Spain
23 June - 11 July 2025
6 EC
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