Lugano, Switzerland
Nutrition for Public Health: From Research to Policy
18 August - 20 August 2025
1 EC
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Life Sciences
21 September - 30 September 2020
University of Hohenheim Humboldt reloaded Summer School
University of Hohenheim
4.0 EC
50 EUR
Are you curious about what the future might hold? We are!
We live in exciting times with seemingly endless possibilities.
New technologies make it possible to research, discover new paths and live in a way unseen before.
Particularly human-machine interdependence has enmeshed in our lives.
Genetic engineering finds its way into human medicine.
The concept of work is subject to change. New materials have been discovered and are ready for their use in a new form of economy, the bioeconomy.
Get ready for a lot of fun team-activities and virtual experiments in various digital FUTURE LABS together with international speakers from science, industry and society and discover the visions for our future.
We will also take a step back and ask ourselves: should we really implement everything that we know is potentially possible - and if so, how?
UPDATE (23 April 2020) regarding the current situation due to coronavirus:
The topic of the summer school could not be of more relevance as it is in this current situation.
Therefore we decided that the summer school is going to be redesigned into a digital format with the same topics as outlined in the "preliminary timetable". Please check for more updates in the upcoming weeks.
Application deadline is 5 June, so there is plenty of time to decide and apply.
Please use the "Preliminary Timetable" on our website in an informative way to browse through our topics. The redesigned timetable for the digital summer school will be published as soon as possible.
Dr. Evelyn Reinmuth, M.Sc. Nicole Henninger, Dr. Cornelia Frank Prof. Dr. Martin Blum
Bachelor and Master students.
Students from all fields of study are welcome. No prerequisite knowledge in any specific field is required.
For a fantastic and insightful summer school experience, a good English level is helpful, but no prerequisite.
This program will provide you an insight into the visions for our future from the perspective of science, industry and society.
Through an active involvement in virutal experiments, designed by our experts, you will be able to experience and understand the process involved when thinking about the implementation of innovative concepts.
50 EUR, Please check our official website for updates on the schedule, the application form and further information. We understand that these can be financially challenging times, thus if you are in need of a scholarship, please let us know an we will try to find a solution.
21 September - 30 September 2020
University of Hohenheim Humboldt reloaded Summer School
University of Hohenheim
4.0 EC
Lugano, Switzerland
18 August - 20 August 2025
1 EC
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London, United Kingdom
30 June - 18 July 2025
7.5 EC
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Barcelona, Spain
23 June - 11 July 2025
6 EC
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