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Political Science

Good Governance and its Application to Modern Technology Policies


03 September - 10 September 2016


Swiss Study Foundation summer school


Swiss Study Foundation


Magliaso, Ticino






2.0 EC


700 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Good Governance and its Application to Modern Technology Policies


High quality of the public sector is key for the welfare of economies and societies alike. It is essential for a well-functioning State and serves as an effective preventive measure against both national and international conflicts.
This summer academy starts out by introducing core concepts of modern State structures (such as separation of powers, administrative transparency, accountability or participation) and international relations. It discusses the manifold challenges of today’s policy makers who are required to tackle problems in an ever more interdisciplinary way: Interdependent social, economic, and environmental implications need to be taken into account for most of their decisions. In addition to this multi-dimensional nature, policies have also to be coordinated on the international stage. During this summer academy, a particular emphasis is placed on policy questions concerning modern technologies such as information security, including cyber security, artificial intelligence or energy supply. Current global challenges such as global growth, climate change or international terrorism are highlighted under the perspective of policy. To complement the course program, an introduction to negotiation theories, negotiation engineering and decision making will be given which can be put to use during a workshop of simulation of international negotiations.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Michael Ambuehl, Dr. Philip Grech, Dr. Sibylle Zuercher,Chair of Negotiation an Conflict Managment, ETH Zurich Dr. Silvie Cuperus, Swiss Study Foundation

Target group

This course is open to students from all fields of study with a pronounced interest in questions of public governance and technology policy.
Bachelor, Maste and PhD Students can participate.
Especially students from developing or emerging countries are invited to apply.
To apply for the course please send an email to Dr. Silvie Cuperus ( with the following documents in one pdf file: Motivation letter, curriculum vitae, recommendation letter by your professor and proof of registration at your university.

Course aim

Course formats are classical lectures, special lectures by distinguished invited speakers, group work, presentations of assignments, negotiation simulations, and excursions.
A reader will be distributed in due time before the beginning of the summer academy.
Active participation in all sessions is required to receive a course certificate.

Fee info


700 EUR, Tuition fees: sponsored Accommodation: CHF 700.- (This covers cost for 8 nights in double bedrooms with full board, local travel, and activities during the program, all of which are arranged by the course organizers. Participants are responsible for paying and organizing their own visa (if required), health insurance, and their own transportation to and from Magliaso, Switzerland and their personal expenses.)



03 September - 10 September 2016


Swiss Study Foundation summer school


Swiss Study Foundation




2.0 EC

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