Berlin, Germany
Utopias on Tracks: Art and Train.
30 July - 07 August 2025
1 EC
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14 July - 02 August 2025
Green.Building.Solutions. Vienna
International and National Universities and Research Institutions (BOKU, TU Vienna, Danube University Krems)
7.0 EC
2390 EUR
The Summer University “Green.Building.Solutions.” (GBS, 7 ECTS) specializes on first-hand ecological knowledge and engineering expertise transferred by Austria’s leading experts in the field of architecture, design, and construction.
The program deals with the ecological, economic, technical, and social aspects of green building and construction.
Participants deepen their knowledge in passive house planning, sustainable urban development, new energy technologies, innovative architecture, and ecological design. The program includes excursions to Vienna’s best-practice buildings and projects in sustainable construction as well as social, sports and cultural events, while over 30 different experts and lecturers contribute!
A group design project aims to incorporate the gained knowledge within a real building project in Vienna - which is presented at the end of the course before the grand farewell.
Accommodation in a passive house guesthouse of OeAD student housing for the entire duration of the summer program is included! This offers you to experience living in a passive house on your own! After the program, you have the chance to stay one extra week free of charge.
You are motivated, love to travel and would like to learn about sustainable architecture in a multicultural group of like-minded people?
Apply today, as spots are limited!
GBS is collaboratively organized by OeAD student housing together with leading Austrian partners: BOKU Vienna, TU Wien, University of Vienna, Danube University, FH Technikum Vienna, Austrian Institute of Technology as well as Reinberg Architekten ZT.
The target groups of the summer program are architects, urban and energy planners, constructors, building and civil engineers as well as students and professionals from similar fields in the construction environment. We also invite people with background in resource planning, ecology, and landscape planning to apply. The focus lies on students and professionals; we welcome everybody, who wants to learn in an intercultural and multidisciplinary field of like-minded people in the great environment of Vienna!
The overall aim of the course is to transfer Austrian expertise about sustainable building to an international audience and generate awareness for future-proof building. Students develop long-lasting know-how about how to build in a climate-friendly and resource efficient way. This naturally includes the integration of ecological aspects and new technologies, such as circular economy, digitalization, positive energy districts and many more. The program gives participants a unique opportunity to learn about specialized content from an interdisciplinary point of view, in an international and multicultural setting.
2390 EUR, Participation fee for students
890 EUR, Reduced participation fee for scholarship holders
The participation fee includes accommodation in a passive house student residence in Vienna throughout the entire three weeks of the program, plus one week extra free of charge (optional).
14 July - 02 August 2025
Green.Building.Solutions. Vienna
International and National Universities and Research Institutions (BOKU, TU Vienna, Danube University Krems)
7.0 EC
Berlin, Germany
30 July - 07 August 2025
1 EC
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Nuremberg, Germany
21 July - 01 August 2025
0.0 EC
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Delft, Netherlands
01 July - 11 July 2025
2.5 EC
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