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Educational Sciences

How to Implement Game Based Learning in your Teaching Practices


05 July - 10 July 2020


Greek Cultural Instiitute










0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
How to Implement Game Based Learning in your Teaching Practices


Nowadays, is considered essential for teachers in primary and secondary schools to incorporate interesting, challenging and collaborative activities in their lessons, as research has shown that in this way their students’ motivation to engage in the learning process is enhanced, while their social and communicative skills are broadening. Therefore, the necessity for teachers to adopt innovative methods, such as teaching through educational games, is highlighted. Indeed, educational games that add a creative and entertaining touch to the educational process inside and outside the classroom are an effective tool for teachers who look forward to supporting their students’ efforts so that their path to the acquisition of knowledge becomes easier and more pleasant. In this 6-day course with the option to extend it to 7 days, which is implemented by experienced and specialized educators, the participants will learn about the world of educational games and practise in their use in combination with related data from museum education and relevant ICT tools.

Course leader

Thanos Fourgatsiotis

Target group

• Teachers of primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools and organizations
• Adult education teachers
• Teachers of special needs
• Teacher trainers
• Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors.
• Headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organizations offering adult education or vocational education and organizations
• Non-governmental organization staff
• Public Servants, Policy Makers.

Course aim

The aim of this course is to provide participants with a theoretical background about educational games and to make them capable, through appropriate approaches, to use educational games according to the phase of the educational process and their students’ needs.
At the end of the course the participants will:
• understand the necessity of the integration of educational games in the learning process as well as the benefits of using them in education
• get to know the types of educational games and when to use each type
• learn how to create educational games by themselves
• learn how to design educational games by using specific ICT tools.
• learn how to organize and implement large scale educational events such as “Treasure Hunting” in their schools.
• learn to use specific methods in order to guide their students’ learning process as well as to support students having special educational needs
• learn how to enhance active learning
• approach museum education through educational games.



05 July - 10 July 2020


Greek Cultural Instiitute






0.0 EC

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