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Computer Sciences

HPC for Environmental Aspects


16 July - 28 July 2023


EUMaster4HPC Summer School


Université Grenoble Alpes








0.0 EC


1000 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
HPC for Environmental Aspects


Dear world changer!

From 16th to 28th July 2023 we invite you to the EUMaster4HPC Summer School in Grenoble, France.

The topic that will unite all activities at this time is HPC for environmental aspects.
HPC is a crucial tool for understanding and mitigating the impact of human activities on the environment, and for developing sustainable solutions for our better future.
High performance solutions play an important role in addressing environmental aspects such as climate change, natural resource management, pollution control, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency and many others.
And this means that together we will research and create solutions that can change people's lives!

What exactly is on the agenda?
Technical lectures, industry presentations, case studies, group teamwork, mentoring, sports and entertainment in a great company of like-minded people and world-class HPC leaders.

Organizational issues
1. We will not waste time on transportation.
You will have free accommodation on campus in the Berlioz residence, a 10-minute walk from the main event and 10 minutes by public transport from the city center. You can rent bicycles to get around the Grenoble area.
2. Refuel your body without distracting from the important things!
We organize breakfast and lunch. They will be free (catering service CROUS). But dinner, on the other hand, you can organize on your own. There are a lot of places in Grenoble where you can go with a cool group after the workshops, eat out and have fun.
*Grenoble is 3 hours by train from Paris, 2 hours by bus from Geneva airport and 1 hour by bus from Lyon airport.
3. Transport costs are at your own expense.

Where exactly will we spend this time?
The summer school will take place from 16 July (evening) to 28 July (late evening) 2023 at the campus of the University of Grenoble-Alpes, located at 621 Av. Centrale in Saint-Martin-d'Heres.

Register now! Take this little journey into the world of HPC and remember it forever.
The number of places is limited!

We look forward to spending 2 cool summer weeks with you!

Course leader

EUMaster4HPC - the first pan-European master programme in HPC

Target group

The school is designed for students with a Master 1 (bachelor + master 1st year) in mathematics, computer science or engineering school specialised in HPC. Proof will be requested at the registration.

Course aim

Two weeks of intensive and high-level lectures, project work and collaboration, company cases on "HPC for environmental aspects'" topic.

1. A community of future HPC specialists with whom you will change the world.
2. Meetings with representatives of companies and supercomputer centres;
3. Exchange experiences with students and create connections for internships and/or future hires.

Fee info


1000 EUR, The price is 1000 € and includes: ✨courses ✨presentations ✨fun activities ✨accommodation on the university campus ✨breakfast and lunch



16 July - 28 July 2023


EUMaster4HPC Summer School


Université Grenoble Alpes




0.0 EC

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