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Human Rights and Business


01 July - 21 July 2020


Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation


University of Lucerne








8.0 EC


1800 CHF

Please note: this course has already ended
Human Rights and Business


Due to the national emergency concerning the corona virus pandemic in Switzerland and the unknown duration of it we have to cancel the summer school 2020 of the Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation. We will be back in 2021!

The Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation is a worldwide unique, multifaceted human rights law program that takes place every July. The main topic of this year is "Human Rights and Business". The summer school is based in the heart of Europe at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland. Over the course of three weeks, the students focus on current Human Rights issues in several classes from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. Moreover, the students participate in a hypothetical but prominent legal proceeding (Moot Court). The students learn to build arguments either for the applicant or the state, write them down in a memorial and present them in front of judges in the Oral Round. Participants learn the necessary theoretical and trial skills to prepare for a career as a lawyer or a human rights defender. The classes are taught in English by distinguished professors and practitioners from across the world. Therefore, the quality of the programme is extraordinary high.

Our Faculty this year includes distinguished professors like Sebastian Heselhaus (University of Lucerne), Mark Villiger (former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights), Helen Keller, Prof. Dr. LLM. University of Zurich, Switzerland and judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Melissa Aubin, Dr., former US Supreme Court Fellow, Advisor District Court of Oregon Oregon, United States
and Tyler Giannini, Prof., Harvard Law School, United States of America.

Throughout the program, the students will have the opportunity to meet practitioners during Lunch Seminars and visit the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva and the French city of Strasbourg, the seat of the European Court of Human Rights.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heselhaus, MA (University of Lucerne)

Target group

Practitioner or what one would consider an “advanced” law student

Fee info


1800 CHF, Tuition Fees: CHF 1800 Housing: CHF 400 Flight costs: individual



01 July - 21 July 2020


Lucerne Academy for Human Rights Implementation


University of Lucerne




8.0 EC

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