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Social Sciences

Images of Migration at the Southern Border.


04 July - 28 July 2022


UoA Summer Schools


University of the Aegean








10.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
Images of Migration at the Southern Border.


SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES - Department of Geography & Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
4 Jul 2022 to 28 Jul 2022
Programme structure

1. Communication for Social Change (5 online seminars with 3 hour classes per day from 4 to 10 July, in English);
2. Border active research and (cyber)activism (2 online seminars & 2 on site workshops, 3 and 4 hours each from 11 to 17 July, in Greek);
3. Human Geographies and fundamental rights (3 on site lectures, 3 hours each, from 18 to 20 July, in Greek);
4. Methodologies of Participatory video (3 on site lectures and 5 workshops, 3 hours each, from 18 to 24 July, in Greek);
5. Language & Audiovisual Techniques for journalists and film makers for social change video (2 on site lectures and 2 workshops, 3 hours each, from 18 to 24 July, in Greek)

Course leader

Chrysanthi Petropoulou

Target group


Course aim

MIGRIMAGE Summer Schools are starting & registration are now open!

MIGRIMAGE (Images of Migration on the Southern Border) is an Erasmus Plus Project that undertakes issues of representation of migration on the European southern borders, against racism and discrimination. It consists of a team of three Universities and three NGOs that work on the field and have knowledge and experience on issues of migration: the University of Granada (Granada, Ceuta and Melilla; Spain), the University of Salento (Lecce; Italy) and the University of the Aegean (Lesvos; Greece); the Andalusian Association for Development (Spain), ARCI Lecce Solidarieta’ Cooperativa Sociale (Italy) and Lesvos Solidarity (Greece)[1]

The MIGRIMAGE Summer Schools will take place between May and September 2022 in an innovative learning format and free of charge. Three different itineraries (summer schools) are offered by the three Universities of the project to the students of each country, while a number of the sessions will be also provided online and in English to students of the two other countries.

The aim of the Summer Schools is to make a pilot synthesis of the academic contents developed in the MIGRIMAGE project combining innovative communication tools and connecting the three areas of the Southern Border where the project is being developed. The fields covered will be transmedia narratives and social activism (Granada), digital and citizen journalism (Lecce) and critical anti-colonial geography, collective mappings and video-documentary creation as tools for the active investigation of borders for social change (Lesvos).

Students will be able to attend these Summer Schools choosing between one of them and, additionally, among the several online training sessions. The courses will have a blended format, offering part of the contents via online lectures and seminars (English) as well as in situ training workshops in Ceuta, Lecce and Lesvos (national language). The Summer School training will be free of charge for students.

Specifically, the Lesvos Summer School will offer online and onsite lectures, seminars and workshops with a total duration of 260 hours (10 ECTs) over 3 weeks, from the 4th to the 24th of July 2022. The lectures and seminars that will be held online and in English will take place from the 4th to the 13th of July while the seminars and workshops on collective mappings, critical geography and audiovisual creation will take place onsite in Lesvos from the 14th to the 24th of July.

For more information and contact please visit our website.

[1] Migrimage is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program, key action 2 "Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices", in the field of Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education.



04 July - 28 July 2022


UoA Summer Schools


University of the Aegean




10.0 EC

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