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Industrial Engineering – Challenges in the Next Decade


22 July - 27 July 2024


TH Rosenheim Summer School


TH Rosenheim








3.0 EC


500 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Industrial Engineering – Challenges in the Next Decade


The purpose of the workshop is to familiarise students with various tools and methods in Industrial Engineering to stand the industrial challenges of the next decades via artificial intelligence (e.g. metaverse applications), management concepts for global companies (international management) as well as product design (gear design). The individualisation of products, organisations and work is reflected in historical development towards the future steps of change (Industry 4.X). Profound leadership skills are highly important in industrial corporations and will be a key part of this class.

The basic concept of this course is to transmit short overviews and insights into today´s tools and methods transitioning fast to practical examples in personal exercises and workshops. The inputs come from actual situations or use cases of the industry.

Course leader

In each class, the hands-on courses are led by experts from practice who support you in taking a global perspective on the challenges ahead.

Target group

All Master's degree students in the fields of STEM/engineering studies. Also senior year's Bachelor’s degree students can apply for a place in the pogramme.

Course aim

At the end of the course students should be able to
• understand what is behind the term AI and why data is being referred to as the 'new oil',
• classify and evaluate occurring industrial situations into change and future proof concepts,
• will have a basic understanding of various mechanical transmissions and their usage in different applications,
• understand the challenges of international management: stakeholder management, how to evaluate the performance of international management, ethics in int. management,
• develop an understanding of what does it take to be a successful leader in an international setting.

Fee info


500 EUR, If your university does not have an students exchange agreement with TH Rosenheim, you can join our Master Summer School with the following benefits: • participation fee of only 500 EUR, including accommodation, insurance, tuition for Master Summer School class and all social activities of the programme • rewards: certificate and 3 ECTS CP


350 EUR, If you are enrolled at one of the partner universities of TH Rosenheim, these are your benefits: • no tuition fees for participating in the Master Summer School class and all social activities of the programme • optional service package for accommoadtion and insurance for 350 EUR (recommended) • rewards: certificate and 3 ECTS CP



22 July - 27 July 2024


TH Rosenheim Summer School


TH Rosenheim




3.0 EC

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