Pisa, Italy
The City and the Water
25 August - 06 September 2025
6 EC
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London Information design - The Way to Wayfinding. Before we consider wayfinding and mobile technology we must first engage with the area of information design. Information design can be seen to link a diverse range of design outputs such as diagrams, lists, charts, screen interfaces, timetables, maps and certain aspects of wayfinding. Through practical and theoretical exploration of the key themes, principles and values underpinning this area of practice we begin to develop a basis through which we can approach way finding. On this course, we will offer a range of techniques allowing you to work toward strengthening your visual skills. Through a linked series of lectures, you will gain a structured overview of information design as a broad and expansive practice. Then, at the end of the week, this will be complimented by a final lecture offering an initial introduction to wayfinding, allowing you to contemplate all that awaits in the week ahead.Goals:To provide an understanding of the fundamentals principles underpinning information design, with particular focus on the practices and theories connecting to information design and way finding. Structure The course is structured around several short but immersive practical projects, each highlighting a specific area within information design (i.e. typography, grids, mapping). Each area will be introduced through a short but concise lecture attending to the history, scope and dynamics of the subject in question. A final lecture and project, drawing on the tutors PhD research on mobile mapping, will act as a bridge to the second phase of the course.Barcelona Navigating the city - Way-finding in the digital age.Over time, information design has improved our relation with technological devices and it has helped us get around and navigate the physical world through analogue (i.e. not digital) signage and visual instructions.With more than half the world's population living in cities, in a world where physical spaces and virtual spaces become intertwined, the discipline of information design can help us read and understand the city and interact with urban places and spaces in ways never imagined before. Places can become devices and devices can become places.In this course we will introduce you to the foundations of wayfinding design and environmental graphics. After the main principles has been discussed and put into practice we will explores currents themes in wayfinding such as context-awareness, intelligent wayfinding and augmented reality applied to wayfinding and environmental design.
Olga Surawska is a designer with background in visual communication, industrial design and fine art, exploring interdisciplinary collaborations within professional practice. She worked as an art director at Leo Burnett, as a product designer at McCann W
Professionals working or wanting to work in the field of information design and related areas such a corporate communications and signage; architects; designers working in communication or corporate identity agencies Any creative person interested in information design and wayfinding from a people-centered perspective or considering information design for future studies.Professionals working in graphic or interface design who feel they need training to update or refresh their advertising skills. Interested, participative people who want to innovate or change what they have always done
Outcomes: To conceptualize a wayfinding mobile system (app) that makes use of digital and analogue technology To identify wayfinding possibilities and constraintsrn To plan an execute guerrilla user-research applied to information design and way finding To design a wireframe prototype for a wayfinding mobile app based on user needs and technological possibilities To visualise and present results. Students will have a greater understanding of:Information design and Information graphics Environmental and wayfinding design Usability Idea generation, idea validation and presentation User research and generation of design directions Mobile User interface and interaction design Connectivity, ubiquity, and context-awareness Mobile devices and APPs as wayfinding technologies.
1400 GBP, accommodation, travel, insurance and living expenses are not included. this is a tuition only fee
30 June - 11 July 2014
0.0 EC
Pisa, Italy
25 August - 06 September 2025
6 EC
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Berlin, Germany
04 August - 08 August 2025
1 EC
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Nuremberg, Germany
21 July - 01 August 2025
0.0 EC
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