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Communication, Media and Journalism

Innovative Communication Strategies for Digital Skills


17 October - 22 October 2016


Media Village International School


Sapienza University of Rome






3.0 EC


300 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Innovative Communication Strategies for Digital Skills


Media Village wants to offer a training theoretical and practical path of high quality on the most advanced techniques of design and development of digital content, with particular reference to the management of effective communication strategies.
Particular attention will be given to the applied communication, in its various aspects, and interdisciplinary skills needed to form a communication professional actually able to move in different sectors. A central element will be represented by actual testing of digital communication tools and interactive, to acquire a high level of digital skills, in line with the e-CF European e-Competence Framework - European Digital Agenda reference tool - pointing on the development of appropriate ICT specialist skills in young people as a crucial condition for digital growth in all sectors. This Media Village framework is a proposal that enriches and innovate the educational offer of Sapienza for the preparation of young people with vocational-skills closer to the expectations of the labour market at an international level.

Course leader

Prof. Ida Cortoni

Target group

PhD students,
Higher education students

Course aim

1. Giving to young people effective tools in communication and digital services to respond to the expectations of the labor market.
2. Teaching methods and strategies to manage communication contents through digital means.
3. Testing digital communication tools to acquire a high level of digital skills, in line with the e-CF European e-Competence Framework - European Digital Agenda reference tool - pointing on the development of appropriate ICT specialised skills.

Fee info


300 EUR, The school lasts 32 hours in October (the min. attendance has to be at least 75%). At the end of the school all students obtain the certification and 3 ECTS. List of subjects: - Communication Management (Laboratory) - International Digital Literacy and European Policies for Communication and Digital skills - Videomaking Production(Laboratory) - Multimedia Presentation Design and Public speaking (Laboratory)



17 October - 22 October 2016


Media Village International School


Sapienza University of Rome


3.0 EC

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