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International and European Environmental Law, 3rd edition, Special focus: “Health and the Environment”


03 July - 07 July 2017


Summer Law School on International and European Environmental Law


University of Salerno








0.0 EC


200 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
International and European Environmental Law, 3rd edition, Special focus: “Health and the Environment”


After the successful performance of the editions 2015 and 2016 (both attended by more than 50 participants from all over Europe), the University of Salerno will host the third edition of the Summer Law School on International and European Environmental Law, organised by the Jean Monnet Chair in European Health, Environmental and Food Safety Law and the "Observatory on Human Rights: Bioethics, Health, Environment" (, in collaboration with the European Law Students' Association - ELSA Salerno.

The specific focus of the 2017 course will be "Health and the Environment".

Programme of the inaugural conference (3 July 2017):
The contribution of international courts and tribunals to the protection of the environment and health.

“Introductory Remarks on Health and the Environment in International and European Law ”
Prof. Stefania Negri, Jean Monnet Chair HEALTHY, University of Salerno

“The Right to a Healthy Environment in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”
Prof. Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London

“The Protection of the Environment in the Case Law of the International Court of Justice”
Prof. Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, CERIC, University of Aix-Marseille

“The Protection of Health and the Environment in the Case Law of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body and ICSID”
Prof. Makane MoĂŻse Mbengue, University of Geneva

The teaching programme of the course will also cover the following topics:
- The legal protection of biodiversity: environmental and health-related issues
- The legal protection of the marine environment
- The contribution of the WHO to healthy oceans
- Water and sanitation and waterborne diseases
- The international management of watercourses
- Food safety: environmental and public health challenges
- Environmental crimes and public health
- The International Health Regulations

Guest lecturers:
Prof. Pia Acconci, University of Teramo
Prof. Gabriela Alexandra Oanta, University of La Coruña
Prof. Riccardo Pavoni, University of Siena
Dr. Laura Movilla, University of Vigo

Scientific Committee:
- Angela Di Stasi, Full Professor of EU Law and of International Law, University of Salerno
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Full Professor of Public International Law, Queen Mary University of London
- Sandrine Maljean-Dubois, Director of research CNRS, Professor of International Environmental Law, University of Aix-Marseille
- Stefania Negri, Associate Professor of International Law and of International Human Rights Law, University of Salerno

In order to apply, please visit the official website.

The Summer School will be held at the Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law) under the direction of Prof. Stefania Negri and the organisational support of ELSA Salerno.

The course is sponsored by the School of Law of Queen Mary University of London (UK), the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires (University of Aix-Marseille, France), the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos "Salvador de Madariaga" (University of La Coruña, Spain), Greenpeace (Salerno Local Group), and the Association Giuristi per l'Ambiente (Salerno).

Course leader

Prof. Stefania Negri, Jean Monnet Chair in European Health, Environmental and Food Safety Law, Director of the "Observatory on Human Rights: Bioethics, Health, Environment"

Target group

LLM students, graduates, PhD students, lawyers and health and environmental professionals.

Course aim

This Summer School aims at offering an intensive and specialistic course focusing on the current challenges facing the international community with regard to the protection of the environment and public health. Core environmental and health-related issues will be addressed through an in-depth analysis of existing international legal instruments, EU legislation and the relevant case law, combining legal theory with practical application and case studies.

Fee info


200 EUR, Tuition fee Info: To submit your application, please visit the official website



03 July - 07 July 2017


Summer Law School on International and European Environmental Law


University of Salerno




0.0 EC

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