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International Criminal Law with the Perspective of Human Rights


10 September - 18 September 2022


Law on the Bosphorus ISS


Istanbul University








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
International Criminal Law with the Perspective of Human Rights


Hosted by Istanbul University Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology Research and Application Centre, the 2022 edition of the annual Law on the Bosphorus International Summer School, will take place between 10 September – 18 September, in a hybrid form. (Online and Face-to-face/Nonetheless, participant students are required to attend face to face.)

As with its previous editions, the 2022 joint ‘Law on the Bosphorus’ Summer School will be oriented on transnational Human Rights Law, focusing within that domain on a particular theme.

The history of international criminal law is a relatively recent phenomenon. Although we can take it as far as the 1st World War, in fact, the foundations of international criminal law were laid with the trial of war criminals in Nurnberg Courts as a result of the 2nd World War. Later on, the importance of a permanent international criminal court became evident with the establishment of courts for war crimes in Bosnia and Rwanda. This goal was achieved with the Rome Statute in 1998. With the establishment of the Court (ICC), the importance and applicability of international criminal law has been increased. However, since license to punish is still the most important power held by the states, problems arise in terms of applicability in the international arena. However, today, the necessity of a supra-state institution and its sufficient enforcement authority are emerging. In this direction, the aim of the Summer School is to emphasize the importance of international criminal law, to broaden the participants' vision and to raise awareness by addressing current problems. Therefore, the focus of the 2022 Summer School will be on International Criminal Law with the perspective of human rights. Sub-themes will be on:

 Crime of Aggression
 War Crimes
 International Criminal Justice and Permanent Members of UN Security Council
 International Criminal Tribunals
 Principles of International Criminal Law
 Transfer of Cases within International Criminal Law
 International Criminal Law and Environment
 Principle of Legality
 Enforceability of International Criminal Law
 Jurisdiction of Roma Statue
 Criminal Responsibility of States and Corporation
 Extradition
 Investigation and Cooperation at International Criminal Court
 Legitimacy of ICC
 Non-Double Jeopardy

The summer school will consist of daily lectures, mooting clinics and mooting sessions which will take place at the closing of the Summer School. The student presentation sessions will take place on the final day of the summer school.

Some lectures will be broadcasted in the doctoral hall via Zoom. Nonetheless, participant students are required to attend lectures, group works and last day presentations face to face.

The 2022 Summer School will be free of charge. Nonetheless, personal expenses will be covered by participants. Application is open to law students at bachelor, master and PhD level, with a preference for candidates who can demonstrate a strong basis in Human Rights Law. Further information, including with respect to documents and references to be submitted by applicants and the format and content of the program, will be provided upon application at:

Applications will be received until 1st July 2022.

Course leader

Istanbul University Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology Research and Application Centre

Target group

Application is open to law students at bachelor, master and PhD level, with a preference for candidates who can demonstrate a strong basis in Human Rights Law.

Course aim

The focus of the 2022 Summer School will be on International Criminal Law with the perspective of human rights. Sub-themes will be on:

 Crime of Aggression
 War Crimes
 International Criminal Justice and Permanent Members of UN Security Council
 International Criminal Tribunals
 Principles of International Criminal Law
 Transfer of Cases within International Criminal Law
 International Criminal Law and Environment
 Principle of Legality
 Enforceability of International Criminal Law
 Jurisdiction of Roma Statue
 Criminal Responsibility of States and Corporation
 Extradition
 Investigation and Cooperation at International Criminal Court
 Legitimacy of ICC
 Non-Double Jeopardy

The summer school will consist of daily lectures, mooting clinics and mooting sessions which will take place at the closing of the Summer School. The student presentation sessions will take place on the final day of the summer school.



10 September - 18 September 2022


Law on the Bosphorus ISS


Istanbul University




0.0 EC

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