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Business & Entrepreneurship

International Management and Communications


04 August - 22 August 2025


Munich International Summer School


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München








6.0 EC


1100 EUR

Early Bird deadline 01 March 2025
International Management and Communications


The first part of our summer program "Management Practices and Corporate Communications in a Global Environment" addresses essential questions in international business and management. Relevant theories of the multinational enterprise, of competition, organization, marketing, strategy, and governance are applied to the specific challenges of organizing and managing cross-border and cross-cultural business activities. Problems are introduced by way of real world business cases.

The second part of this course seeks to improve your understanding of management communications, both on a corporate as well as on an individual level. As far as the corporate level is concerned, students may learn how companies use communications to implement strategy and achieve competitive advantage. To reach these goals, we will examine several cases, readings, and/or films that will help students to understand how corporate communications relate to general management in a firm.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schwaiger, Head of the Institute for Market-based Management at LMU Munich

Target group

We offer this program to Bachelor students from all over the world.

Prerequisites for participation are a high level of motivation for active participation and a good command of written and spoken English.

Lectures, presentations and examinations will be held in English. Even though we do not require students to submit language test results, we urge students with poor language skills to abstain from applying. Knowledge of German is not a prerequisite.

In the interest of maintaining the program's high standards, the number of participants will be limited to 25.

Course aim

Communications on an individual level is designed to teach students the theory and processes of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. The course will cover a broad spectrum of negotiation problems that are faced by managers. It will allow the participants to develop a broad array of negotiation skills experimentally. Considerable emphasis will be placed on simulations, role-playing and cases in this section as well. It offers a practical psychological exploration of the major concepts and theories of bargaining and negotiation.

Fee info


1100 EUR, This fee includes: Registration fee: € 300,00 (€ 150,00 early bird)- Tuition fee: € 800,00€


520,00 EUR, Accommodation: € 520,00



04 August - 22 August 2025


Munich International Summer School


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München




6.0 EC

Early Bird deadline 01 March 2025 Visit school

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