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Life Sciences

Computational Biology Starter


20 March - 22 March 2019


International Spring School ā€žComputational Biology Starterā€œ


Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)








0.0 EC


50 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Computational Biology Starter


In the age of big data, computational tasks become not only tremendously important in life sciences but also demanding. Data analysis requires trained bioinformaticians and computational biologists with expert skills. From the viewpoint of the data analyst, understanding the experimental set-up, as well as hypotheses and expected outcomes is crucial for the workflow. This requires strong communication between wet-lab and dry-lab. The process of communication is also of importance to reveal expectations that cannot be fulfilled and flaws in the experimental design. Having a basic understanding of principles in computational biology and bioinformatics may not only ease the communications process but also define more elaborate experimental set-ups by changing the perspective.

The International Spring School ā€žComputational Biology Starterā€œ is a satellite event of the Gatersleben Research Conference on Applied Bioinformatics for Crops,and will be held from 20-22 March, 2019 at IPK Gatersleben. Our Spring School offers a mixture of lectures and hands-on introduction to useful computational biology and bioinformatics tools and workflows.


- Introduction into Linux and R for data analysis
- Statistics and figures to visualize data
- Analysing and visualising imaged-based data in applied phenomics
- Using Galaxy to define analysis pipelines
- Metabolic modelling

Course leader

IPK Postdoc Board

Target group

The Spring School is intended for early career scientists like graduate students or postdocs, as well as others interested in the topics of our Spring School. We are focusing on examples from plant science.

Course aim

We envision to broaden the participantsā€™ horizon and encourage them to tackle basic computational biology and bioinformatics problems on their own. Information provided in our Spring School will raise the awareness for the importance of fundamental statistical measures when designing experiments and the inclusion of sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment or software.

Fee info


50 EUR

The organizers will provide transfer between the hotel in Quedlinburg and the training venue. Hotel rooms are reserved till 11.02.2019. Costs for this special offer per night are 48,- Euro (including breakfast) in the ACRON-Hotel Quedlinburg. Participants chosen for the course will receive the booking code for this special offer with their confirmation email. Please organize travel and accommodation on your own!



20 March - 22 March 2019


International Spring School ā€žComputational Biology Starterā€œ


Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)




0.0 EC

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