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Life Sciences

International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences


28 August - 01 September 2017


International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences


TU Dresden








0.0 EC

Please note: this course has already ended
International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences


Dear researchers,

Would you like to check the commercial potential of your research? Do you think you already have the Next Generation Technology or Service in Life Sciences? Then get the expertise how to commercialize it!

Apply for the International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences, taking place 28th August to 1st September 2017 in Dresden/Germany!

This week-long training programme will teach you how to get your research ideas from the lab to the market. You will learn the basics of technology transfer, enabling you to identify the commercial potential within your research, how to patent and license it, how to develop a spin-off, and how to fund all these activities. You will learn about important pitfalls when approaching industry and get expert coaching on pitching in front of potential investors, including a mock-pitch in front of a real expert investor panel!

Participation is free, accommodation costs of all selected candidates will be covered, and you will receive a travel stipend!

Interested? Then apply now through the online application form on the website. Application is open until 30th June, 2017

Good luck!

Course leader

Astrid Holzhauer Department for Development and International Affairs School of Medicine Technische Universität Dresden

Target group

PhD students, Junior Group Leaders, Group Leaders

Course aim

This week-long training programme will teach you how to get your research ideas from the lab to the market. You will learn the basics of technology transfer, enabling you to identify the commercial potential within your research, how to patent and license it, how to develop a spin-off, and how to fund all these activities. You will learn about important pitfalls when approaching industry and get expert coaching on pitching in front of potential investors, including a mock-pitch in front of a real expert investor panel!



28 August - 01 September 2017


International Summer School on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences


TU Dresden




0.0 EC

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