Turku, Finland
Branding and Sales Skills
04 August - 15 August 2025
5 EC
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Business & Entrepreneurship
07 August - 11 August 2023
Hochschule RheinMain Summer School
Hochschule RheinMain
3.0 EC
The week for future leaders
The world is changing rapidly. Today, more than ever, it calls for authenticity, transparency and leading from the heart.
True qualities of leadership cannot be learned from a book and they do not only concern people in management positions. Leadership concerns all of us.
To "lead" your life successfully, you need to think, speak and act in harmony with who you are. True leadership challenges us to be authentic at all times. It takes courage and practice: The courage to abandon social masks and the constant drive to be authentic, no matter what.
The objective of the international week is to learn how to lead yourself and others in a most holistic way – using body, mind and heart – and helping others to achieve their greatest possible potential. A potential that can be measured in personal wellbeing, and that will thus naturally result into professional success.
What and how?
The international school unites students from different universities worldwide and offers the possibility to develop your personal leadership qualities.
You can expect not only a traditional teaching of leadership theories or concepts, but also a very personal approach to better understand your unique leadership potential. To lead others, you need to be able to lead yourself – to know your strengths and embrace your weaknesses.
The program is strongly personal development oriented and requires you to be open minded and ready to work on yourself. You will for example learn how to understand and deal with emotions in a constructive way. Emotions contain important information and provide a powerful way to understand yourself and others.
Paulina Weber, intercultural competence trainer, Gudrun Bolduan - Career advisers and coach Grace Coggio, professor
students of all disciplines who are curious and love to work and reflect on their own skills
The program is personal development oriented and requires you to be open minded and ready to work on yourself. You will for example learn how to understand and deal with emotions in a constructive way. You will learn more about your own leadership style and inercultural competencies, communication styles etc.
07 August - 11 August 2023
Hochschule RheinMain Summer School
Hochschule RheinMain
3.0 EC
Turku, Finland
04 August - 15 August 2025
5 EC
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Aarhus, Denmark
23 July - 08 August 2025
10 EC
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Copenhagen, Denmark
23 June - 25 July 2025
7.5 EC
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